Sujet : Worst R.Y.N.O. in the series?

Hello everyone,,

Yeah, while the R.Y.N.O. throughout the entire series has been pretty much as powerful as Doom's BFG 9000 (at least lore-wise, anyway), even the best can turn out to be the worst.

As such, which R.Y.N.O. do you think is either the worst or the worst-feeling R.Y.N.O. in the series to date

In my honest opinion, I'd give this one to the R.Y.N.O. II; it feels like a direct downgrade from the original, which was so damn strong because of its auto-tracking missiles that you can beat an entire level with it and still have ammo left. Hell, even the Bouncer was stronger than the R.Y.N.O. II at crowd control, also. Do I even need to remind you of how easy it is to beat the final boss in Going Commando without the R.Y.N.O.?

I think that the worst RYNO in the series is RYNO V because of how much ammo it simply wastes. When you fire the gun it just goes everywhere and the accuracy is terrible. I also think this because all the other RYNO weapons have accuracy and get the job done.

Worst RYNO: Play the PSP games and find out :/

I 100% agree that Size Matters has the worst RYNO simply because of how difficult it is to obtain!!

I think it's obvious that that the worst ryno it is the one from all for one cuz it only works when it has ammo 

NEVER cuz it only has 5 or 10 of conpacity.

But at least it looks preaty cool 

Yeah, but at least that RYNO was free. Fun fact, your AI (Clank or Qwark) has infinite ammo with the RYNO 6, so you can just activate it and he'll take care of the rest. The PSP RYNO's arent even powerful...

The RYNO IV is a close second to the RYNO II. Have the ability to just melt everything down is OP.

Hopefully the RYNO 8 in Rift Apart will have a different functionality, but it's unlikely.


Worst RYNO: Play the PSP games and find out :/

 I'm going to agree with the best RYNO being the RYNO II, it's so overpowered and broken

Yeah, but at least that RYNO was free. Fun fact, your AI (Clank or Qwark) has infinite ammo with the RYNO 6, so you can just activate it and he'll take care of the rest. The PSP RYNO's arent even powerful...

The RYNO IV is a close second to the RYNO II. Have the ability to just melt everything down is OP.

Hopefully the RYNO 8 in Rift Apart will have a different functionality, but it's unlikely.

 yes the ai but i whil prefer if it a can use it