Messages : 86
Life is Beautiful. Absolutely a masterpiece, and one of my Top 10 movies I'd watch any day. I haven't seen a movie in the same genre that's got me to my knees such as this one.
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Messages : 86
Life is Beautiful. Absolutely a masterpiece, and one of my Top 10 movies I'd watch any day. I haven't seen a movie in the same genre that's got me to my knees such as this one.
I saw Terminator 2: Judgement Day
This is now in my top 10 favorite films of all time, it really is a great sequel, it has great action but most importantly great characters, it also has imo opinion one of the greatest ending in film history.
I highly recommend this movie.
Edit: The latest movie i saw was James Cameron's Aliens
I was expecting this to be a horror film, that would would have made it the first horror film that i would see, but it turned out it was more of a action movie, however it was a good film reccomend for those who like action and sci-fi and have a strong stomach.
I've recently watched Tommy Boy on TV featuring the late Chris Farley and David Spade.
It's one of those cheesy stupid films (but of course, there were a lot of films like that in the 90's anyways), but there were some quotes that made me laugh quite a lot, especially in the first act.
I've recently watched more movies this week. So this will be one long post.
1. Disney's Aladdin
It's not my favourite Disney film of all time, but it's still holds up today to be a solid and instant classic animated film.
2. Dirty Dancing
I am not really into 80's romance movies myself, but this one wasn't too bad. The dancing choreography and the ending stuck me to know why Dirty Dancing is remembered to be an 80's classic in the first place. Plus Patric Swayze is in this flick. I've always liked him in films.
3. Shaun of the Dead
From all the films done by the Working Title productions, Shaun of the Dead still holds up to be the strongest film from this film production. If you like comedy that parodies horror movies with British humour in it, then this movie is definitely for you.
4. Hot Fuzz
Not as funny as Shaun of the Dead, but it was still a funny movie. Hot Fuzz however keeps you guessing what's going to happen in the plot of the story and you might find the results quite surprising. If you like British comedy parodying action films, then you might find this an enjoyable movie.
And last but not least…
5. Paul
Seeing Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz after this movie, this would have to be my least favourite from the movies by Working Title. It was still funny, especially some of the sci-fi parodies they put into this movie. But, it wasn't as superior as Shaun of the Dead. It's good, but not entirely the best.
Messages : 90
I've recently watched more movies this week. So this will be one long post.
1. Disney's Aladdin![]()
It's not my favourite Disney film of all time, but it's still holds up today to be a solid and instant classic animated film.
2. Dirty Dancing![]()
I am not really into 80's romance movies myself, but this one wasn't too bad. The dancing choreography and the ending stuck me to know why Dirty Dancing is remembered to be an 80's classic in the first place. Plus Patric Swayze is in this flick. I've always liked him in films.
3. Shaun of the Dead
From all the films done by the Working Title productions, Shaun of the Dead still holds up to be the strongest film from this film production. If you like comedy that parodies horror movies with British humour in it, then this movie is definitely for you.
4. Hot Fuzz![]()
Not as funny as Shaun of the Dead, but it was still a funny movie. Hot Fuzz however keeps you guessing what's going to happen in the plot of the story and you might find the results quite surprising. If you like British comedy parodying action films, then you might find this an enjoyable movie.
And last but not least…
5. Paul![]()
Seeing Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz after this movie, this would have to be my least favourite from the movies by Working Title. It was still funny, especially some of the sci-fi parodies they put into this movie. But, it wasn't as superior as Shaun of the Dead. It's good, but not entirely the best.
Why Was Paul Rated R?
Why Was Paul Rated R?
Paul had certain themes that weren't suitable for everyone, especially in the use of course language. It wasn't as harsh as in Shaun of the Dead or Hot Fuzz, but it had a lot of it.
In Canada, it's rated 14A (14 and above), so I knew there would be some inappropriate themes in this movie. But, it felt it didn't had too much mature content in it like in other rated R films like Snatch or South Park: Bigger, Longer and Uncut.
Just watched this on Saturday:
It was okay, it had some parts that I liked when they were climbing from a bridge to a moving boat by a thick steel wire and when John McClane leaped down to a moving train so he could go inside the train and find a bomb. But there were some parts that I didn't like is when John McClane wears a sign on him that has the N word on it and a bunch of black people see him and started to beat him up. And also I didn't like is that the movie has a lot of profanity, but it was okay and I knew this is not one of the best in the series.
I recently watchet Battle LA, it is kind of like District 9. It's a pretty cool movie.
It takes Japan 200 planes to kill under 2,000 americans in 2 hours; it takes America one plane to decimate almost half of japan and kill over 100,000 Japanese in 9 seconds. Talk about pwnage.
Messages : 88
I watched Treasure planet (I dont know why people dont like this, I enjoyed it and I've read the book) and I saw a movie called 9, good movie… Sorry I couldnt get any pictures of the movies.
I'd finally watched Disney's Tangled for the first time.
I wasn't too sure if I would like this movie, but I have to admit, it was pretty good. The film had really great characters and really funny humor throughout the movie. I don't think it's my favourite Disney movie ever, but it's a unique animated feature that should be watched at least once.
Pascal (the chameleon) and Maximus (the horse) are officially my favourite characters from the movie. Trust me, they will make you laugh your head off, especially Maximus.
Once again, I'm bumping this thread up.
I've watched a lot of movies recently, which were:
Scott Pilgrim v.s. The World
I seriously recommend you to see this movie. If you are a fan of games, comics, music, some pop art effects or all of the above, this is one movie you are going to love. The film has great characters, eye candy effects and a very unique premise. You should at least watch it once, it was a pretty mind blowing movie.
Disney's Hunchback of NotreDame
I'd enjoyed this animated feature back then and I am still entertained by the movie today. It's definitely one of my favourite Disney movies from the 90's.
Robin Hood: Men in Tights
Feels too outdated for new audiences, but there are some funny moments to still laugh to from this Mel Brooks feature. I say it's no "Spaceballs", but it's an okay film.
A superior film from this slasher thriller franchise. It's a little outdated for when the movie was filmed (1997), but it's famous death scenes still gives me goosebumps today, especially Casey's death.
Scream 2
There are a few hooky scenes in some places, but the movie still brings some surprises and turns to keep you entertained.
Scream 3
This film was my least favourite from the Scream franchise. It felt too Scooby Doo'ish to me.
And finally…
Scream 4
Not as great as the first movie, but Scream 4 was actually pretty good. Plus it had a really twisting plot around the climatic part, which of course, I will not spoil it for you guys.
The only flaw about the movie is there were a few silly parts that some of the characters do, making the franchise going backwards to the same cliches from the previous movies. Other than that, I was overall entertained.
Messages : 86
Ah, I love movies, and documentaries.
Anyways, within the past week I've only watched like three movies, first one was…
Restrepo. Documentary about the deadliest valley in Afghan, for a year. Kinda sad at some scenes, and if you have ever loved war, think again and watch this.
Jarhead. Moving on, I think most of us know about this one…
9th Company. Depicts and dramatizes the battle of Height 3234, during the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan 20 years ago. Kinda funny at some scenes, this is definitely on my top ten movie list.
I decided to watch war related movies this weekend because I was pretty bored.
Oh, and Insidious last weekend.
me both Hop and Sucker Punch
don't ask me why but i find them good movies dispite what anyone says
SPECIAL/ULTIMATE MOVE: Oblivian Blast,kamehameha overload, and a echo blaster
(ps picture is from http://thelombax51.deviantart.com/ thanks again)
I recently watchet Battle LA, it is kind of like District 9.
It's a pretty cool movie.
I didn't even realise that battle L.A. had been released looks good though, I'll probably go and see it!
The last film I watched was "2010: The Year We Make contact" which is the sequel to "2001: A Space Odyssey" it was released back in the 80s. However, it had some rather bad reviews, perhaps because it wasn't directed by Stanley Kubrick as 2001 was.
But both films were based on novels by the same person, so in my opinion, the director is sort of irrelevant. Anyway, it answers all the questions that were left at the end of 2001, so that's good!
Personally,I thought 2010 fits really well with 2001, however I don't think either film would work on it's own…
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I watched the new movie, RIO.
It was REALLY GOOD. It was a "cute" movie, was funny, and was still rated G! One of the best G movies i've ever seen next to Toy Story, that is for SURE!