Sujet : Favourite Spaceship Gameplay Location in GC

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Which one do you prefer the most?

Feltzin System (Thug Rendezvous), Hrugis Cloud (Deep Space Disposal), or Gorn (Thug-4-Less Fleet)?

I think I liked Gorn the best. I like the lightning atmosphere the most about that level. Plus there's a lot of space to ride through in the spaceship gameplay compared to the other two locations.

Feltzin System by far emoji emoji

I liked the Wupash Nebula (the one you get between Oozla and Maktar that you can't return to) because it was graphically pleasing, which I didn't find so much with the others…

Gorn is AWESOME, Hrugis was annoying cuz it was circular and gravity of the map was screwed up. Feltzin wasn't bad or amazin but its fun to pwn Feltzin with laser cannons fully upgraded