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Thanks for the link! i'm not sure if they ship to NZ though, but I'll look into it when I get the time and spare monies
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Thanks for the link! i'm not sure if they ship to NZ though, but I'll look into it when I get the time and spare monies
Messages : 326
Yeah! since i probably get money for christmas, i buy that guide after christmas!
Insomniac Moon 2.0 is coming soon! Be prepared to have your socks rocked off!
Messages : 326
Yeah, since i know i get at least some money for christmas, i think i get that guide after christmas!
Insomniac Moon 2.0 is coming soon! Be prepared to have your socks rocked off!
Another rare Ratchet & Clank collectable was the Secret Agent Clank figurine that was released only with the Pre-Ordered copies of Secret Agent Clank:
I would LOVE to be able to get my hands on one of these! But I don't have the money to be raking out on rare collectables, their rarity makes them expensive… and I have a tendency to get distracted and spend my money on other things…
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Messages : 85
Another rare Ratchet & Clank collectable was the Secret Agent Clank figurine that was released only with the Pre-Ordered copies of Secret Agent Clank:
I would LOVE to be able to get my hands on one of these!But I don't have the money to be raking out on rare collectables, their rarity makes them expensive… and I have a tendency to get distracted and spend my money on other things…
Hey I have that Secret Agent Clank figure! I bought it off eBay for a heaps cheap price! Only $7USD It was a rare site though because I've been trying to find another one for friends who want it. The best thing to do is just keep looking up eBay because it may just appear suddenly when hopefully some people don't want it as much as we collectors :P
Please check to see if you are still breathing…
You're sooo lucky! I've been trying to get that too, but it hasn't been easy. One of my friends in NZ has it too XD
Messages : 40
Geinea Lombax: Ok I'm not sure if this is a collectible or something but while I was looking at the Ratchet and Clank plushies in the InsomiacGames community, I found these cool looking Ratchet and Clank sculpture or at least that's what I think they are. Its in the all4one forums under the title of "Ratchet & Clank plushies!" Check it out. Oh and Merry Christmas/Hanakah everyone! :P
Look at what I just saw on Twitter… (from an Insomniac, I believe)
Those are so cute!!!
Messages : 85
Look at what I just saw on Twitter… (from an Insomniac, I believe)
Those are so cute!!!
I've seen those plushies! But only in picture/photo :O
Woo! Special Edition haha I love the case how it is two separates prints on it ^^
Please check to see if you are still breathing…
I just found the website that sells those! (you can find the rest through search)
There's a Ratchet & Clank keychain plush and normal plushes in this style! They even ship to NZ, so I'm gonna go sort out a way to get them… and they accept Paypal. They apparently only came out 5 days ago
Messages : 326
I just found the website that sells those! (you can find the rest through search)
There's a Ratchet & Clank keychain plush and normal plushes in this style! They even ship to NZ, so I'm gonna go sort out a way to get them… and they accept Paypal. They apparently only came out 5 days ago![]()
I saw those plushies in a gamestop shop in Norway today! but i only had money for a new dualshock 3! well when this christmas rush is over i go there and buy them both!
Insomniac Moon 2.0 is coming soon! Be prepared to have your socks rocked off!
I just ordered the 2 medium sized plushies… for some stupid reason, if I order the 4 plushes in one package, the postage goes over 28 British Pound!!! But when I order just the 2 Medium plushes, postage is only 6.80 British Pound. And 4 Pound for the Keychains… what the heck?
Oh well, I'll get the keychains next
Messages : 326
Ah, bad luck! think i buy them first january or something! and i get that all 4 one ratchet plushie the third january! YAY!
Insomniac Moon 2.0 is coming soon! Be prepared to have your socks rocked off!
Oh I forgot to mention that earlier in the week, I just got these in the mail…
Japanese R&C Size Matters Sticker sheets (5 of them) they're huge!
Japanese R&C Deadlocked Sticker sheets (5 of them)
That funny Secret Agent Clank gun (like Amon has XD)
R&C Manga volume 1! (it also came with Volume 2. Which I already had)
I also ordered…
The Clank Plush (that older one) finally found a website that sells it cheap and doesnt overprice the postage.
The Ratchet & Clank Medium plushies off that UK based site
The Clank Backpack, as well as some more stickers (ToD based ones) and Other stuff to go with them.
Those all should come in the mail next week. I'll post a photo of my collection then
I just remembered the Ratchet and Clank 2010 wall calendar that some members of this forum mentioned a while ago and said they'd like to collect (unfortunately, I can't remember who you are if you did say that), but I happen to have one that I wouldn't mind selling if anyone's interested…
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