Sujet : Rare Ratchet and Clank Collectibles


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Uhh hi?

Lol well those stickers and things sold instantly; sorry guys XD missed your chance! But I might get hold of more Japanese R&C stuff soon. I found some more rare things recently… that I'm gonna try and get hold of.

I wish they sold t-shirts.

go for it, i got one and it's wicked sweet.

ok why is there so much secret and unknown ratchet and clank stuff out there! what the next be? a ratchet and clank post-it or something!

The things I've found hardest to find for ratchet and clank merchandise is the posters, I've even looked on ebay and found one but they wanted too much for it. And the bid that someone else put on it was too high.

The things I've found hardest to find for ratchet and clank merchandise is the posters, I've even looked on ebay and found one but they wanted too much for it. And the bid that someone else put on it was too high.


Hey guys there's a ultra rare Ratchet and Clank poster at ebay now!

Unfornatley US only emoji

Hey guys there's a ultra rare Ratchet and Clank poster at ebay now!

Unfornatley US only emoji

i have that its not that rare it comes with the first ratchet game
its on back of guide

Hey guys there's a ultra rare Ratchet and Clank poster at ebay now!

Unfornatley US only emoji

They're asking for people to pay $50 for it. That's insane. It's just what is printed on the back of the first game's manual. Seriously, you can go to, order a new copy of the game for $10 and then keep the manual and give the game to a friend if you already own it. It isn't rare at all.