Sujet : Fav Cutscenes in ACIT

I've seen it done for QFB and I think for TOD, but not for ACIT, so here's my favs:

Space is huge - I think it's kinda obvious, plus we see Ratchet for the first time in the game in his updated look.

You win again, Technology - "Azimuth!" "GAHHH!"

Night of the Living Squishies - Because it's the closest example of me while in a writers block emoji

Pollyx industries - "If you intend to man-handle me ( emoji ), I'll have you know I am a level 60 wizard, with melee ability." WHAM! emoji

Not it! - emoji

You must Kill the War Grok - First of all, that thing looked like a mutated Cragmite! emoji When that thing showed up, it stared the heck outta me! And second, Quark's monolauge while poor Ratchet takes a beat down is kinda funny. emoji

The old Lombax Instinct - He's always had that, friends.

You look awfully familiar - "Nope. first time here." emoji

I loved them all! Never tire of watching them.

However, my absolute favs are:

I feel very close to you right now - the look on Ratchet's face, priceless.
Five bolts wasted - Nefarious' rant, dance and glitch, hysterical
Pollyx industries
Night of the living squishies
Any of the other scenes with Nefarious in

My véry favorite is the ending ^^
Yeah.. can't tell much about it, cause I don't wanna spoil anything :P

Membre supprimé

(My favourite is kinda not a cutscene. It's those dialog momments.) Well moving on, my favourite cutscene is when Ratchet leaves Quantus and talks to qwark via a comunicator. "It's good to hear your voice Ratchet, they've got us in these containment cells and- They're coming with food. Oh thank heaven they're comming with- Tap water? You animals."emoji I always replay the game to hear that cutscene.

(My favourite is kinda not a cutscene. It's those dialog momments.) Well moving on, my favourite cutscene is when Ratchet leaves Quantus and talks to qwark via a comunicator. "It's good to hear your voice Ratchet, they've got us in these containment cells and- They're coming with food. Oh thank heaven they're comming with- Tap water? You animals."emoji I always replay the game to hear that cutscene.

True, there was some great dialogue spread across the game. I liked the ads you got on the radio, particularly the one for My Blaster Runs Hot (Did anyone call for a Ridiculously attractive saviour?) emoji

One that I can remember isn't a cutscene but I liked it. It was on Vorselon's ship the first time, when one of the troopers was contacting another. The line goes something like this:

"The rebel escaped. You owe me 5 bolts"emojiemoji

Lol! I agree! Awesome Dialogue mid game.

This may be a little off topic but, does anyone know what the music is in the ACIT trailers? Specifically Trailers 1 and 2? I can't identify it…

Maybe a bit, yeah. I don't know.

I also like the whole "So much for clean underwear" gig they do at the beginning. I forget the name…emoji

Maybe a bit, yeah. I don't know.

I also like the whole "So much for clean underwear" gig they do at the beginning. I forget the name…emoji

That was the whole 'Space is huge' cutscene bit I like the way Qwark is squashed into Aphelion, a ship obviously designed to fit lombaxes not big guys, and the 'you realise this ship has an ejector seat right?' comment (I'd have just pushed the button, no warning :rire2emoji

One that I can remember isn't a cutscene but I liked it. It was on Vorselon's ship the first time, when one of the troopers was contacting another. The line goes something like this:

"The rebel escaped. You owe me 5 bolts"emojiemoji

"Fred is that you? Azimuth has escaped, You owe me five bolts" - Nefarious Trooper emoji

I've liked in 'Space is huge' when they've already crashed, Quark's face after the underwear statement and Ratchet's, the airbag, and the fact that moments after Ratchet's ears fall a little bit. So, cute and funny!

And yes, I have always had moments of over observation. emoji

Some of the dialogue I like includes
Nefarious - 'I think I'll go back to the stone age, there's something about the idea of you being born in a cage!'
Azimuth - 'Impressive, I thought you'd be dead by now'
Trooper - 'Hey you go get your own space station' and 'You don't see us invading your evil citadel'

But you really need to listen, cos they can be drowned out by the weapon fire.
I remember far too much useless information emoji

Yeh, every game I play I turn all sound down low except the voices, just so I can hear them!

Another part I liked is

When you fight Azimuth in ACIT

You use the groovitron and while he's dancing you hear him scream "Traitor!!" emoji emoji

I had to pause the game to catch my breath after that!!