There is Q-Force Soundtrack on French Ratchet Galaxy ! Michael Bross is back, and I must say, that results of his work on next R&C game, are not so great, as in A4O . Great All 4 One Theme is not making a return in the upcoming duo's adventure , and is replaced by not so enjoyable, but still pretty fine track. The in game music got more military and disco elements, but also, it's not so great as A4O Music is. I may get used to it's style, but I think FFA won't get the best soundtrack in Ratchet's history (as well as game won't be the best in the series).
What do you think?
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The tracks on the beta are preety catchy. I also like the title theme jingle wich, fortuenaley, plays in the Assaualt phase. Also my experiences with the beta are not the best, then again it's just a beta (we all saw what came from LBP2's not-so-good beta). I'm still conviced that it will be the best in the series.
Who delieted the soundtrack from here, anyway?!?!?!?!
Will they put it back here, again?
I'm waiting patiently for the questions and answers of yours;D!!!!
I'd like to talk with about everything;3!!!!
I'm sorry for those who couldn't download the soundtrack, but as indicated in our lastest newspost, we had to delete the soundtrack from our servers after a common demand from Insomniac and Sony
It looks like Michael Bross isn't the only composser of FFA:!projects/cqwk
Check this out, there's some tracks demos too.
"Today the Rebellion dies."
Messages : 5964
Thanks for sharing!
There haven't been many people that uploaded the soundtrack on YouTube…
Thanks for sharing!
There haven't been many people that uploaded the soundtrack on YouTube…
Yeah, I recorded some tracks from the game, but I can capture only one channel at a time and then I have to synchronize both of them! It's not very quick and the quality isn't the best too. Seriously, there are avaible full game-rip soundtracks for all R&C games (A4O too), why won't someone finally upload FFA (someone who's got better capturing technology than me). Why won't SONY release the soundtrack like they did with A4O? … Hm, probably because only around 10 (or less) people (including me) would buy it
"Today the Rebellion dies."
Messages : 5964
Yeah I know. Actually I listened to it a couple hours ago.
I wish they would release the full soundtrack on CD. Most movies get hard copy CD's, so why not games?
There are some CD game soundtracks (all Sonic games have CD OST's in Japan, I saw Resistance 3 in the internet too), but when it comes to Ratchet & Clank, there's not a big audience for OST, so releasing it on CD is non-profitable.
"Today the Rebellion dies."
Messages : 5964
On the internet, yeah. But movie OST just lie around in almost all media store franchises here. Game soundtrack are not. Though sometimes you can get lucky in a German Saturn. For some reason those have a way bigger collection of soundtracks than any other store I've seen…