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Messages : 3875
O use to play the Sims all the time back in the day. Yep it would have been around 2007 or so. I remember we had all the Sims 1 packs, and Sims 2 Super Stars or something. Then in 2009 we got Sims 3, after that I kinda stopped playing it.

Messages : 382
I wasn't really a fan of the Sims… I do remember playing Sims 2: Pets a sometime ago but for some reasom.. I didn't like it much

Messages : 3875
Makin' Magic was and always will be the best.

Messages : 382
I reckon that the Sims 2 was quite better than the Sims 3. I don't know why, I've played both before but the Sims 3 just doesn't cut it for me…

Messages : 3875
Makin' Magic was and always will be the best.Is that the first sims series?
Yep, if you don't have it you're really missing out,
I'm not interested with ''the Soms" that much, but I know few people that like this franchise. for example my…2 years younger cousin! She likes to play at it. Just like my 13 years older sister!
Now I don't have enough time to play at it…but who knows? Maybe sooner or later?
We'll see
I'm waiting patiently for the questions and answers of yours;D!!!!
I'd like to talk with about everything;3!!!!

Messages : 3875
I think it's good that your considering opening up to other games, of course your four games will always be the best to you and probably remain your favourate for all time, but that doesn't mean you can't try other games I really liked the sims, you could do whatever you liked, and in the first game at least make quite a theme. (sci-fi, horror, movie, and all that such stuff) I should play it again for old times.

Messages : 5964
I own Sims 2: Pets on the GameCube. Back in the day I used to make a family and play my own story. But when I put it in nowadays, I might have as much fun doing things like eat, sleap and feed the dog in RL. Why do it in a video-game?!
I own Sims 2: Pets on the GameCube. Back in the day I used to make a family and play my own story. But when I put it in nowadays, I might have as much fun doing things like eat, sleap and feed the dog in RL. Why do it in a video-game?!
you know there is a cool cheat that works so you don't have to worry about feeding sims or pets. If you press shft + control C, and type in Boolprop TestingCheatsEnabled true you can click on you sim. When you do press more and get a sim modder ( you can do loads with it) like max all your sims needs without any work.

Messages : 14
Can I talk about Spore, too?