So when i first played Ratchet Deadlocked, i always thought there are about 10 tracks that play randomly, like in Multiplayer. Then i found this site and i realized there was actually a track for almost every challenge..
Am i the only one who thought this? Did you guys realize the music was different?
In fact, (Found that out after analyzing the tracks) there are certain patterns that reappear in other tracks. Most notable the "DUNUNUN weeoweeo" part It appears in "Catacrom 4 - Valley Of Hero", "Sarathos - King Of The Leviathans" and in the Credits music. Therefore i refer to it as the "Deadlocked Theme".
Besides that, there are certain samples that reappear over and over again, just slightly modified. For example the Drum Beat in "Stygia - Junking The Jammers", that playes solo in the first seconds is the same sample as the Drum Beat in "Stygia - Shields Up" and i'm sure it reappears somewhere else too.
Have you guys found something notable in Deadlockeds Music, or what do you think, is it too repetitive?
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