I may be going off the thread's topic by asking this but I'm just curious.
To FlyingZoni and Ratchetlombax, what would you say makes someone goth?
I have two or so friends that are into the style of it.
I ask because I want to be 100% sure.
Wel i just like to wear goth clothing and like the music and dark stuff
and no i am not depressed i am a very happy person ;D
there are diffrent styles of goth fashion an music aswell
You have cybergoth, romantic goth, victorian goth and others ;Dwhen the hell did u write that
@ FlyingZoni, I would not have doubted that you are a happy person. Cybergoth…that's a new one. I'm not goth but I do like black and I like certain dark stuff. In my high school class, I think I was the guy who was closest to being goth even though I'm not that goth.
What kind of music do you listen to that you consider goth?
@ ratchetlombax, what do you mean?
what i mean i,i am goth, but i have to hide it because of how it would turn out at college if they knew, i can tell you it wouldnt be pretty. I am goth, and also and a happy person, I dress in full black when im around people who dont know me, but around people that do know me, such as parents i have to hide it
Omg you're so cute, yes you are... I'm gonna name you Snowball!