Sujet : Should we have to be forced to use only the Heli-Pack to tra

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First of all this is 2013, there no such thing as space, this game should have everything in it including the kitchen sink and we should be able to have are cake(The Thruster-Pack) and eat(use) it too.

…What? Blu-Ray discs still have a capacity that developers can't go over unless they want to cut out a ton of content.

Secondly, being okay with just having a Heli-Pack doesn't mean we're, "Accepting this mediocrity." It just means we're okay with the developer's choice, and we won't bother them over something that doesn't really affect the game-play in any way.

None of us have played the game yet, either. Maybe this all just being blown out of proportion, and maybe, just maybe, the Heli-Pack really isn't as bad as you think it'll be.

This coming from a person who was never a fan of the thruster pack (except for that hovering thing you could do with it in R&C1),but, why so much love for it?

This coming from a person who was never a fan of the thruster pack (except for that hovering thing you could do with it in R&C1),but, why so much love for it?

I dunno, it makes Clank look stupid though.

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This coming from a person who was never a fan of the thruster pack (except for that hovering thing you could do with it in R&C1),but, why so much love for it?

Beats me. I barely used it outside of R&C1.

If you use the thruster-pack to get from one side of the room to the other, it IS faster. Try it out. I played R&C 3 about 10 times with the heli-pack and 10+ with the thruster-pack and it was a faster backpack. Because the charge boots were so hard to control I used the thuster-pack for more controlled quick traveling and dodging enemy attacks.

In R&C2 it was pretty much the same.

R&C1 however the thruster-pack did increase Ratchet's double-jump height, which was prety handy.

I also love rockets.

But with the introduction of the hoverboots, small areas became a lot easier to traverse quickly and I could image they would replace the thruster-pcak well.

As for quickly jumping gaps, the hoverboot jump is extremely fast and extremely long, so I never use the stretch jump (and rarely the double jump) to cross gaps.

As for space on the disc… seriously? You think a thruster-pack is going to take up more than a few kilobytes? It's not a very big thing ya know? It's a little object that does the same thing as the heli-pack with smoke trails and slightly quicker with maybe slightly shortened distances.

Wasn't most of the stuff in ACiT's museum cut from both ToD and ACiT due to the time it would take to implement them being too long? The PS3 has a lot of potential that takes time to tap. Compare Resistance: Fall of Man to The Last of Us.

Don't quote me on this, but I believe space leviathans were cut due to space.

I'm not quite the fan of the Thruster pack myself… When I was younger, mother and brother played RaC1, and they always left it on. I couldn't find the advantage of it, and they probably didn't even know it could be changed back to Heli-pack. I thought the Heli-pack was more symbolic to Clank.
And when I found out about changing my equipment, I started to run around with a Hydro-pack emoji

Anyway, the jetpack is a good idea as long as it's the Levitator type and not the A4O type… emoji

Having A Thruster-Pack for gliding and long, high jumping purposes in into the nexus is not going to fundamentally break the game as for memory is concerned. There is 50GB on a Blu-ray disc and there is no way you can convince me that ACIT or ITN has almost filled that to capacity, I understand there are development cycles and certain things need to be cut due to time constraints as they are not working properly. In fact I remember a lot of explanations by developers in the insomniac museum stated this as their number one reason as to why a lot of content was cut.

It just seem like they are trying to phase out the Thruster-Pack so in so future games they don't have to worry about having two ways of long and high jumping, and gliding. This makes perfect sense since in ACIT they probably didn't hear many complaints about not having it and this would be easier on them so they figured they don't need to include it in future Ratchet and Clank title especially since there is no reason why it shouldn't of have been included since ACIT used a modified version of the Tools of Destruction engine which had workable Thruster-Pack

this is very upsetting to me If this is the case which it seems and I want to see the Thruster-Pack return as I had a certain style and flare with it. its almost been 6 years since we've last been able to use the Thruster-Pack and all Im doing is trying to make my voice heard to insomniac as I just don't want to see the Thruster-Pack fall into obscurity

Also if the Thruster-Pack Is acting as the levitator or something similar to a jetpack in this game, then make it the levitator and don't give it the Thruster-pack skin

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Also as you can clearly see from this thread there are some people that prefir the Heli-pack and some that prefer the Thruster-Pack having The Thruster-Pack absence wont effect them but it shows there is a split concenus and for whatever reason why some may like or prefer to use one over the other, and isn't fair all of a sudden to fore gamers to just use one especially when they come comfortable to be able to choose after all these years, I mean how would some Heli-Pack fan boys feel if insomniac decided to get rid of the Heli-pack and you had to only use the Thruster-Pack, I know I wouldn't care and be happy about that decision?

and also I can't help it that some gamers are too ignorant enough to know how to switch between the Heli-pack and Thruster-Pack. Any hardcore fan of Ratchet and Clank would know how to do this by heart and you tell me whats worse to agrrivate a hardcore Ratchet and Clank fan that's going to notice a big change in how the character is able glide, high and long jump than any causal gamer that wouldn't even notice and probably just use the heli-pack anyways cause they wouldn't know how to switch them?

and to all those that say Ratchet that say Ratchet looks better with the Heli-Pack and that's the mode he had it first!
Just check out this Beta Build of Ratchet and Clank and as you can clearly tell the Thruster-Pack was always meant to be apart of Ratchet and Clank, for goodness sake Ratchet doesn't even have any stripes but he still has his Thruster-Pack

Having A Thruster-Pack for gliding and long, high jumping purposes in into the nexus is not going to fundamentally break the game as for memory is concerned. There is 50GB on a Blu-ray disc and there is no way you can convince me that ACIT or ITN has almost filled that to capacity, I understand there are development cycles and certain things need to be cut due to time constraints as they are not working properly. In fact I remember a lot of explanations by developers in the insomniac museum stated this as their number one reason as to why a lot of content was cut.

It just seem like they are trying to phase out the Thruster-Pack so in so future games they don't have to worry about having two ways of long and high jumping, and gliding. This makes perfect sense since in ACIT they probably didn't hear many complaints about not having it and this would be easier on them so they figured they don't need to include it in future Ratchet and Clank title especially since there is no reason why it shouldn't of have been included since ACIT used a modified version of the Tools of Destruction engine which had workable Thruster-Pack

this is very upsetting to me If this is the case which it seems and I want to see the Thruster-Pack return as I had a certain style and flare with it. its almost been 6 years since we've last been able to use the Thruster-Pack and all Im doing is trying to make my voice heard to insomniac as I just don't want to see the Thruster-Pack fall into obscurity

Also if the Thruster-Pack Is acting as the levitator or something similar to a jetpack in this game, then make it the levitator and don't give it the Thruster-pack skin

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Fun fact: the levitator Ratchet built was upside down.

Check out this World record speed run of Up Your Arsenal, now notice what the player does as soon as they start the game, and check out how much the player long jumps to shed minutes off their time. Now can anyone tell me would this player or anyone else for that matter be able to obtain that type of time using the Heli-Pack???

Also I challange anyone to count how many times he long jumps lol

The Heli-Pack is faster in this game…

There are two kinds of people…

and then the tiny fraction that prefers Hydro-pack emoji

Well the Hydro-Pack can only be used in underwater sequences which insomniac seems there doing less and less of, except in Tools of Destruction where it function exactly the same as the Thruster-Pack!

Even thou I don't mind it I have always thought it should have functioned more like F.L.U.D.D. from Super Mario Sunshine, and spray water out its exhausts when not in water instead of just using the Thruster-Packs Fire/Smoke exhausts animations to make it more unique

The other day I was playing Tools of Destruction and decided to give the thruster-pack a chance. My brother walked in and saw me stretch jumping across fastoon. He had this puzzled look on his face and said 'why don't you use the rocket packpack?' so I said I would give it a shot, and it greatly increased my travel time. I couldn't switch back.