Sujet : What do you want to see in the Next Ratchet and Clank game f

We Should get this Thread started sooner than Later, but what would everyone like to see in the next Ratchet and Clank game, Hopefully if Insomniac decides to make another one for the PS4.

We should compile a list and send our suggestions to Insomniac themselves and who knows maybe we can influence the game

Mines if its not already brought back and used correctly as the alterative mode to the Heli-Pack in "Into The Nexus" is the Return of the traditional Thruster-Pack

1. Thruster-Pack

A good arsenal with no weapons from (or inspired by) ToD.

Id love it if Courtney Gears made an apperance, but thats very unlikely :P

Ok So far,

1. Return of the Thruster-Pack
2. A good aerosol with new and original weapons, and not repeating the same weapons as they been doing with the last couple of games
3. A Courtney Gears cameo, Personally I wouldn't mind hearing a new song sung by her that would be just as good as "exterminate all organic life"
how about a boss battle at one of her concerts where you have to not only fight her but her bandmates as well, the drummer, guitarist, keyboardist ext

Membre supprimé

I would like to see a return of the original Qforce from UYA. Big Al and Skidd especially. We never did find out if he was turned back into a squishy.

I would like to see a return of the original Qforce from UYA. Big Al and Skidd especially. We never did find out if he was turned back into a squishy.

Man, I'm actually angry at Insomniacs that they 'reestablished' Q-Force in FFA. I mean… they made fans expect the return of Helga, Skidd, Al, Skrunch and at the end it turned out it's the same 'Q-Force' we have seen for a past few years. I thought they'll bring Skrunch at least - I don't think they reelected him for a vice president. IG did some brutal publicity stunt emoji

Ok, I'll say another one:
Character customisation.

I want to have a usable Crochotizer in the gadgets menu. Upgradeable to a "Happy Platafus".


I want to have a usable Crochotizer in the gadgets menu. Upgradeable to a "Happy Platafus".


Pre-order bonus?

I want to have a usable Crochotizer in the gadgets menu. Upgradeable to a "Happy Platafus".


Pre-order bonus?

No, Dimensinator is a pre-order bonus… isn't it? emoji
Come to think of it… it would be cool to have a working dimensinator as one of gadgets :oui:

I want to have a usable Crochotizer in the gadgets menu. Upgradeable to a "Happy Platafus".


Pre-order bonus?

No, Dimensinator is a pre-order bonus… isn't it? emoji
Come to think of it… it would be cool to have a working dimensinator as one of gadgets :oui:

Don't we have the Rift Inducer for that?
Speaking of the Dimensionator, why did Ratchet destroy it?

Don't we have the Rift Inducer for that?
Speaking of the Dimensionator, why did Ratchet destroy it?

It was damaged during the fight with Tachyon, but Ratchet didn't destroy it. Besides, in ItN he learn that "it's in a secure wing of Polaris Museum of History".

"it's in a secure wing of Polaris Museum of History".

*Le sigh* emoji

"it's in a secure wing of Polaris Museum of History".

*Le sigh* emoji

Ya think Boltaire Museum would be a better place for it?
Got to remember about that spoiler buton next time…

"it's in a secure wing of Polaris Museum of History".

*Le sigh* emoji

Ya think Boltaire Museum would be a better place for it?
Got to remember about that spoiler buton next time…

I'm sure Vendra would never try to steal the Dimensionator in order to bring back the Nethers…