Sujet : Anyone else that likes watching the credits?

So I was just enjoying the Mass Effect credits when the phone rang. Am I glad that with the PS3 you can pause pretty much at any given moment. A lot of people find me stupid for it. They walk away from the screen or try the hit start and skip it.

So I was curious if anyone else here enjoys watching credits? For me its a moment of peace to look back at the adventure, listen to the (usually) most awesome piece of music, look at the list of voice actors and ofcourse read all the names of the heroes that worked on the game. Watching the credits is actually one of my favorite parts of a game.

Thought this could be a fun disscusion, anyone else?

That's an interesting point of view. Personally, I skip the credits. I appreciate all the hard work people put to create a video game, but I won't remember any of their names anyway, though the music arguement you made is prette strong emoji I made an excuse with ItN last time, though the only names I remember are the ones I already knew before (like TJ, Ted Price, James Stevenson or Anna Kessel).

I like to sit down, finish a game and then give the people who made the game the respect they deserve by actually caring about the fact that they put the hard work into the game. I like listening to the music in the credits so that is another reason why I like to sit there and watch the credits as well, take ACiT for example, I like the tune that plays with the radio broadcast in the middle, Its techno at its finest and I like that, you should give hen the respect they deserve and sit through the credits… ALWAYS

I sit there and might go through the cast to see if I can recognise someone. I like to sit through the credits to Metal Gear games and count how many times it goes over Hideo Kojima too emoji

Sometimes I hear some new music or see some pictures or even some dialogue between characters in the credits, so for those reasons I watch them. I don't find it the most enjoyable part of the game though, and if I'm in a hurry for any reason I'll skip them without hesitation. I respect the people that make the games though, I just don't see reading the credits as displaying my respect in any way.

I sit there and might go through the cast to see if I can recognise someone. I like to sit through the credits to Metal Gear games and count how many times it goes over Hideo Kojima too emoji

Sometimes I hear some new music or see some pictures or even some dialogue between characters in the credits, so for those reasons I watch them. I don't find it the most enjoyable part of the game though, and if I'm in a hurry for any reason I'll skip them without hesitation. I respect the people that make the games though, I just don't see reading the credits as displaying my respect in any way.

Its shows respect because you actually take time to care about who made the game and give up your own time to show that you care

I skip them most of the time, they're usually just names that scroll too fast and a tune that has already played before *cough* FFA *cough*

Some games have games in them too. Like Nexus, though it took me some tome to figure that out. At first I thought it was weird that Clank wasn't animited and kept beeing hit by Nethers. That was until I figured out is was a gameemoji

Taking the time to actually play the game (and play for it) is all the respect I would think they need. I mean watching a cutscene and seeing certain techniques and acknowledging the effort someone had to go to to do that I would think would be worth more than skimming past their name on a long list of people associated with the processes requited to get the games in your hands.

After watching the Useless podcasts I actually have some idea of who did what, so whenever I play R&C2 and 3 I actually see something and think about how much trouble it took to get that there, and sometimes who did it. I love that Tony (I think it was Tony) makes all the really hard and annoying stuff, but its always at the level you'd come to expect with his stuff. You can kind of see the developers signatures in the levels after hearing a bit about them.

HeatherGrace, I think I have a similar way of seeing the credits the way you do. Plus, like you said, some games just have really good tracks that are saved just for the credits, and you can reflect on the actual game while watching them (story wise especially).

Another thing I do is after I finish reading a book I'll play credits in my head and pick a song that I think fits the book very well to go with it. Just something I do. It sort of makes a book like watching a movie.

Actually, I do that too. When I read a book on the bus, I always listen to music too. I used to listen to Whitin Temptation, but this year changed to Epic. Usually there's one or two songs that remind me of the book and I'll listen to those as my 'credits'.

And credits music just sums up the enitire game. Suicide Mission (Mass Effect 2), credits (StarFox Assault), Warning Signs (Mass Effect: Lost Paragon) and credits (Quest for Booty) are a few of my favorites. But when it comes to the credits itself I'm going with ACiT (for the broadcast with Cronk and Zephyr), Tomb Raider '13 (group pictures of the employees) and Lylat Wars/StarFox 64 (because the whole credits is one last cinematic).

You have a very impressive list.
1. Yes, Cronk and Zephyr audio at the end of "Crack in Time" alonf with the ending tune is epic.
2. The song "Let's Celebrate" from the "Tools of Destruction" credits is my ringtone. And I really like the soundtrack for "Quest for Booty."
3. 90% of the time when picking a song for a book it was one by Within Temptation. I am a big fan of their material, despite living in the U.S.
4. Composer, Rebecca Kneubuhl does a fine job with composing music for credits in games, I'll add.

Instrumental Whitin Tempation too, cause in that case we're twinsemoji

Let's Celebrate is also one of my favorites. Maybe I'm doing a top10 credits tracks in the future.

Done & done,

I listen to Within Temptation's instrumentals while I'm walking around school, doing homework, doing chores, or drawing. I listen to them on CesiumCS's page on You Tube a lot. So yes. twins.

And I watched it. I really like #4 "Paragon Lost" and I've never played Mass Effect. Same for #2.
And I will agree with you that the credits track for "Snow White and the Huntsman" is really good. And the brief sequence shots they added to the credits roll only makes it even better. Just saying.

P.S. You also have a very, very, awesome Ratchet and Clank coleection.

Mass Effect usually has awesome credits music. Its a shame ME3 was a little casual. Luckely the 2.1 version has Two Steps From Hell music, like from the trailers. But since its not original I didn't add it to the video.emoji

I love watching the credits, I feel like its a necessary part of a game because I get so immersed in them that I need that downtime (usually accompanied by great music) to soak in everything that just happened, and reflect on the entire game in general and figure out how I felt about it, while transitioning back to reality. Even though I end up not completing a lot of games, when I do its probably one of my favorite moments.

Some of my favorite credits were for Kingdom Hearts (1), MGS3, Persona 3, Journey, and Shadow of the Colossus, though I think mostly because these endings were bittersweet at best and I needed to recover from them lol.

Oh yeah, and its neat whenever they're interactive like with Into the Nexus and A Crack in Time. Noby Noby Boy had that too; you could eat the credits.