Sujet : Really Random thread

I used LBPCentral for my avatar picture. It was mainly to do with me not really exporing the internet very well in those earlier days.

In related news I just watched an old movie called Dr. Strangelove, and discovered that Mr. Kojima may have based MGS:PW off of that movie a little… which is cool, because I like the feeling of discovering the true roots of that crazy mess of a series!

Oh and on a more related note: I didn't like Tomb Raider I or II for PS1. But Tomb Raider Anniversary (PSP) is on sale on PSN, and I'm wondering if I should give it a second chance? I like the Uncharted games (3 being my fav) and I think it might be cool to hav Tomb Raider Anniversary is it is more like Uncharted than its PS1 mutant-origins!

And, uh, guys, do you know how to change the avatar? I'm a new member here

Sure. Go to this website:

and copy-paste the bottom link you get when you upload a picture.emoji

Still not workingemojiemoji(

It's still not working because your avatar exceeds the authorised limit of 200x200 pixels. To upload and display pictures on forums I would advise you use, all you have to do is to register (not even sure it's necessary to begin uploading) and drag & drop you picture on the front page, it will automatically be uploaded emoji

Well, the website is blocked here, and I have NO IDEA why. emoji emoji

Maybe you could try Heather's link and find a small picture?

whoa, i've overloaded the thread with the same messages. Sorry, I'm having trouble deleting some of those messages

Oh and on a more related note: I didn't like Tomb Raider I or II for PS1. But Tomb Raider Anniversary (PSP) is on sale on PSN, and I'm wondering if I should give it a second chance? I like the Uncharted games (3 being my fav) and I think it might be cool to hav Tomb Raider Anniversary is it is more like Uncharted than its PS1 mutant-origins!

So Anniversary is actually what the upcoming Ratchet game is going to be like. A re-imagining of the original. Familiar yet fresh. The cluncky controlls are gone, the camera is much better, the character of Lara has gone through a personality change and the story is far more present than before. Out of the Crystal trilogy Anniversary is my least favorite. In comparrison to Legend and Underworld the game might even be a little.. slow. But I won't bore you with the details. I'll compare it to Uncharted for you.

I find Anniversary focusses more on puzzles than the Uncharted games do. There is also far less logic involved them, instead they are usually a lot harden and more cryptic. The game is also very silent and sports a movie-like system that only allows music to come through when the game absolutely needs it. Like finding a secret and enemies coming towards you. Most of the time you listen to the rythym of Lara's boots. Anniversary might be a 3rd person shooter, there are no cover-based elements like Uncharted. You're always out in the open with your duel pistols and unlimited ammo. And auto aim I believe, can't remember the option to turn that off.

As you can read I'm not all too enhousiastic about Anniversary. But I think it's because I played it after Legend and Underworld, which I find much much better. Yet Anniversary is a good start, cause it's only gonna get better after that.

…and Ankadewo. If you can sent me the picture you want for an avatar, I'll fix a link for you if you want.

@heathergrace thanks, but maybe later. I'm gonna search for some pics for my avatar right now

My sides! emoji

Just watched the AVGN movie, awesome! On to Heavenly Sword and Appleseed Alpha!

Ladies nad gentleman, check the front page if you haven't done that yet…

I think I'll just give this Tomb Rider game a miss. It doesn't sound all that exciting.

And well done, Kubak, on becoming a Newser!

Sorry if I deviate from the main topic, but can someone please tell some jokes? It's pretty boring here. (It's okay if it's not funny, just make sure it doesn't insult a religion, race, etc.)

There is no "main topic" on a "Really random thread." emoji

I think I'll just give this Tomb Rider game a miss. It doesn't sound all that exciting.

And well done, Kubak, on becoming a Newser!

Yea, sorry. I love Tomb Raider, but Annibersary isn't really that great. I gotta give it that.

But if you ever walk into a cheap Underworld or Legend (this one released on PSP too) you're in for a treat.

There is no "main topic" on a "Really random thread." emoji

Hehe, you've made a good joke! emoji

Yea, sorry. I love Tomb Raider, but Annibersary isn't really that great. I gotta give it that.

But if you ever walk into a cheap Underworld or Legend (this one released on PSP too) you're in for a treat.

Well thanks for your insight. I really am glad I asked, because I don't want to fill my Vita up with games I'm not going to play.

As it stands, those 2 Tomb Raiders aren't available on PSN for me, so I'll probably have to wait a little while.