Sujet : Really Random thread

Here is something completely random: I just watched two films; Silence of the Lambs and Hanibal. Good watches, I'd recommend to anyone that likes thrillers about psychopathic murderers who do very unpleasant things… not the sort of movies I'd normally enjoy actually, I guess I just liked how unpredictable and different the story line was.

Those are great movies! There's actually 2 more. Manhunt (same as Hannibal, but was made ealier) Red Dragon and Hannibal Rising, you should probably watch the last 2 I mentioned too. And if you like, the novels the movies are based on. The actual ending of Hannibal differs a lot from the movie. But was probably made that way because a lot of characters are missing in the movie. emoji

Interesting, my dad really likes reading (I never really do myself) and often complains about terrible film adaptions of books that he likes. But he recommended we watch these movies, so I guess that says something about how they can stand on their own. I'm sure we will probably end up watching more in this series. I just hope it doesn't go all Terminator: Salvation on us.

Woa, I didn't notice it was your post. You should fix your avatar. emoji

Hannibal Rising and Red Dragon are like prequels. Hannibal Rising is about Lector's youth and how he became Hannibal the Cannibal. Red Dragon is about the first agent that got to talk to Lector. Personally I prefer the movies featuring Clarice Starling. emoji

I think movie adoptations aren't that bad. I mean you've got crap like The Host and Breaking Dawn Part 1. But there's also the good stuff like Edge of Tomorrow and The Hunger Games!

I sometimes hate movie adaptations of books because they're totally different from what happens in my head while reading them.

The only book I've read that became a movie that I watched was The Hunger Games (the first and first, haven't read or seen the second or third). I was a little disappointed they cut stuff out, but I later accepted that you can't really do a proper movie without cutting stuff out. Although the ending of the book had a lot of tension between the two characters, whereas the ending of the movie had them be all like "yea that love was totally legit the whole time" which was a little bit more shallow than the story the book was trying to portray.

And my avatar works… most of the time emoji

Can't see it on both my laptop and iPad.

Usually I'm okay with movie adoptations. They can't fit all those pages in just 2 hours. However there's movies that are simply not done right. The Host was an amazing book and one of the worst movies I've ever seen. The Host is a really thick book, way too much content to fit in 2 hours. But the altered so much! The main character spends a lot of time in a small storage. About 4m x 4m x 1'5m. However te movie turns into something more like 8m x 12m x 3m. It really bothered me. But thats just one of many things. If it wasn't called The Host, I would have never known it was the same story…

Since I have nothing to say on this subject, I'll just go back to an earlier one and hope someone still finds it relevant:

I must have seen half an hour of footage from No Man's Sky across all these press conference and I'm struggling to name 5 gameplay mechanics.

I like Matthewmatosis' videos, they're pretty deep.

I don't remember him mentioning No Mans Sky, and I could imagine how he wouldn't be too excited for it. There really isn't anything to look at, which is a pretty big problem. They talk about all these things you can do in the game, but never show any of them. However like I said before, I personally trust them, they seem like pretty upfront and honest devs… I guess time will tell, and this game is going to need a lot of time. Maybe we wont even see what sort of game it is until it actually releases. feel like they've talked enough about it, that if they showed us these things they wouldn't ruin anything they haven't shared in interviews anyway.

It was a tweet. That's generally how he likes to convey his opinions on stuff that's not worth making a video on.

Just curious.. have any of you seen the movie Edge of Tomorrow or perhaps read the novel All You Need is Kill?

Spotted this on Facebook ^^

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Spotted this on Facebook ^^

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Ah, I remember that from last year.

Are you sure? It looks pretty new to me.

Are you sure? It looks pretty new to me.

It's not. I know this because I posted it on tumblr like last year.