Sujet : Really Random thread

Unfortunately, I do play strategy games on PC emoji

..but you play on consoles too. Most of my friends spend their nights (yes, nights) playing online games. Trying to convince me to buy a gaming PC because it's cheaper and better than console. But really, that's just a matter of opinion. Sure, the graphics are nicer. But PC gaming better? Not for me ^^

but anime…. dbz super hype… japan anime…. subtitels……… must watch …movie agust… 6 thru 12….dbx hyep

I hear most people about DBZ, HunterXHunter and… yeah, too hard to remember. Lost of Japanese titles. emoji

I like Appleseed. A movie series I ran into at the budget store a few years ago. The cover seemed nice, so I bought it. Then there's this one, this one and this one. But they're totally biased. Great expanded universe matterial, but I love them for their franchise. Not cause they're great animé. I dare to admit that. emoji

You're not the only one Heather emoji

Oh, good! Cause usually, wherever I go, I'm the only one who:

1. Doesn't watch Game of Thrones
2. Isn't a PC gamer (Console gaming is a noble pursuit!)
3. Doesn't watch any animé


I also do neither of those things emoji

I don't always watch animes, but when my friends are watching an anime, I might take a look. And honestly, there is an anime which I really like, Aldnoah Zero. It is about a war between humans of Earth and Mars (quick explanation: some humans migrated to Mars, and Martians possess advanced technologies, including robots).

By the way, Kubak, what strategy games do you play?

I am the same as Heather in those three facts. The only anime I ever watch is SAO, because that show is so Awesome!

After E3 I have come to realise I don't like much of anything.

Japanese TV and games are things I almost never like, with the exception of Metal Gear. I do not enjoy kids games, but LittleBigPlanet and Rayman are awesome. I don't like gritty realistic shooters, but for some reason I have always enjoyed Sony's top 2 FPS exclusives. I never cease to amaze myself.

Oh and I don't like watching TV, so I couldn't possibly be into Game of Thrones.

As for PC gaming… I do have a PC (obviously), and I try to use it for gaming as much as possible. But I pretty much always resort back to consoles, because that is where my instant game collection, friends, best games, and best performance can be experienced. My PC runs games at sub-PS3 quality anyway, so if I ever purchase a PC game I have on PS3 or PS4 I'm probably never going to play it.

It's been a while I haven't see you emoji.

Heuj! I found my people. You guys rock! emoji

Hmmm… I translated "heuj" from Dutch to English using Google Translate, and it said "now I do believe". If Google Translate was wrong, then is that word some kind of Dutch expression like "yay"? I need you to confirm, Heather emoji.

It's been a while I haven't see you emoji.

Yea it has been a while. E3 was such a mixed bag I needed time to process everything, so I just said "stuff it" and binged Minecraft and LittleBigPlanet for a week.

Gaming in this generation sure is a lot more fun now that they have the friends services on PSN all properly sorted out. Too bad LittleBigPlanet 3 is being held back by the last generation so much… it doesn't help that it's online functionality is so shocking. They better have some big fix coming soon, because Minecraft's multiplayer is he only thing filling that void created by LBP's connection issues.

I like that we were just trying to comfort HeatherGrace in our common views, and my last paragraph was in no way going in that direction.

Hmmm… I translated "heuj" from Dutch to English using Google Translate, and it said "now I do believe". If Google Translate was wrong, then is that word some kind of Dutch expression like "yay"? I need you to confirm, Heather emoji.

Did I… sorry. Heuj is actually ''yay'', but spelled incorrect. emoji
It's a… it's a thing.

It it really that easy to get two languages mixed up when typing? Either way I can say I learned something today, so that's a bonus that has come out of it.

Well… a lot of times you know the English word, but not the Dutch one and vice versa. Actually, this causes The Netherlands to become an English speaking country. Many words have already been replaced. emoji

But I don't wanna bore you with the language thing so… how was your day? emoji

Well it started about 45 minutes ago, so it could go anywhere from here.

I think I will probably play more Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag. I keep wanting to go back to the games before it to clean up some trophies, but I really can't be stuffed, because they are all so very crummy after having played Black Flag.

I sure do have a lot of time to play games in this month I have had off study :oui: