Sujet : Really Random thread

Madagascar? Yeah, huge success. The third one's my favourite. Captain Dubois is pretty hilarious. Amd Shrek? I like the second movie the most. The last one, Forever After, was pretty "meh" for me.

Monsters Vs Aliens and Kung Fu Panda were relatively unimpressive for me. But Dreamworks has way more content than Pixar…

I don't remember Monsters vs. Aliens either.
Kung Fu Panda had a far greater impact on me though. For starters, in first grade of high school, when I had the social skill of a penguin on a blue background, talking about it with my friend was the thing I could always fall back on. He adores it. And also, I recently watched it in English. Gosh, I love watching cartoons in English since watching the dubbed ones makes me miss out so much.
*suddenly remembers that Poland stocks on nukes* Noooothing against Kubak's dubs, though emoji
So yeah, I'm pretty hyped about KFP3, twice as much for the reason how the sequel managed to be more or less superior to the original. TvTropes even informed me that it's the highest grossing film ever directed by woman, but I haven't checked if it's true yet.
Though I'm a little skeptical about who's actually going to survive the movie, since it's a popular opinion that someone important (save for the villain) is going to die, most probably Shifu.

Gosh, I love watching cartoons in English since watching the dubbed ones makes me miss out so much.
*suddenly remembers that Poland stocks on nukes* Noooothing against Kubak's dubs, though emoji

Wait, we do!? emoji Why thank you Filip emoji Now you can die.

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Seriously though, I gotta admit the dub can take some things away from the experience (though a good one can give some just as good, or even better stuff in exchange) and the original version will always have the advantage of being, well… The original version, the 'actual' version of the movie.

Noooo-o-o, Kubak, what I meant is YOU stocking up on them, based on your constant threats emoji

Noooo-o-o, Kubak, what I meant is YOU stocking up on them, based on your constant threats emoji

Oh, I ran out of those actu… I mean, sure, I still have those :oui:

I just want to say that i recently watched the movie Home. It was the worst animated movie I have ever seen. :oui:

I just want to say that i recently watched the movie Home. It was the worst animated movie I have ever seen. :oui:

I knew it wasn't going to be… Ahem, a 'masterpiece', but was it actually THAT bad?

I just want to say that i recently watched the movie Home. It was the worst animated movie I have ever seen. :oui:

The WORST?! I wouldn't say that. But, I admit, Captain Smek's really annoying.

I really can't think of a worse animated movie. It was pretty bad, to me. But I'm sure the kids will love its strange characters, nonsense plot, and terrible music.

I really can't think of a worse animated movie.

You obviously haven't heard about FoodFight, have you?

Actually, I understood the plot.

I dunno. It had me interested for a split second, but I wouldn't call it the worst I've seen.

Let's change the topic: what are the animated movies that are most emotional for you? Me, one of them's "9".

1) Toy Story 3
2) Up
3) Inside Out
4) Ratatouille
5) Cloudy With Meatballs 1,2(don't ask)
6) Monsters University
7) Nemo
8) HTTYD 2
9) Madagascar 3
10) HTTYD 1