Sujet : Really Random thread

this is getting interesting… pass the popcorn

Mmmm… popcorn…

Damn it… Im craving it now.

I hate popcorn! It gets stuck in my teeth, and I always regret eating it.

I don't have a non-serious side anymore so I'll just sit back and make useless comments that don't add to anything… maybe that's why I've only got 1700 posts despite the time I've been around here.

I've had a lot of popcorn recently and now I need a break from it. During The Hunger Games 2 I couldn't even finish it. emoji

I really dont know what you guys find nasty about popcorn, I could eat it like there is no tomorrow

I really dont know what you guys find nasty about popcorn, I could eat it like there is no tomorrow

I dont eat popcorn often but when i do then with sugar salty is ble D;

I really dont know what you guys find nasty about popcorn, I could eat it like there is no tomorrow

Depends on the popcorn, I find the Carnival ones to be the best.
Home made are just tasteless emoji

I love the tofee one, i find that it s better than the rest of 'em.

I love the tofee one, i find that it s better than the rest of 'em.

Haven't eaten those in years, I see they're still good.

I Dint even knew toffee popcorn existed O_O

I Dint even knew toffee popcorn existed O_O

Same with me emoji

Yeah it does, f you have a store near to you called Morrisons or what ever it is in your language, (I only speak Spanish and English) then they should have it there.

We have buttered popcorn at movies and home. That is the end of it, I was never aware of these other types. Maybe our small selection of Popcorn is just horrible.

We have buttered popcorn at movies and home. That is the end of it, I was never aware of these other types. Maybe our small selection of Popcorn is just horrible.

Yes, yes it is.

Now I'm curious, what country is everyone from? I'm from the UK

New Zealand. Our country has this thing about being environmentally friendly and healthy, so we tend to have the healthiest food. But luckily a few dairies have started importing food from Korea, Japan, America and stuff… MAN your food is sweet!

Maybe you should visit the UK some day, you would be very supprised what we have here