Sujet : Really Random thread

Well, it was quite obvious. The door was closed, and Drake needed it to be opened. But still, they did a great job for the humor emoji

I am very very bad with languages that are not English, and normally don't even bother trying to figure out other languages when they pop up in other movies or games. But in Uncharted: Drake's Fortune they say that phrase enough to get it rightly stuck in my head.

I didn't know it was an Indonesian language either. And speaking of different languages:

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I do anything for on-disc DLC! That includes playing RPGs with no English text.

So, what languages do you speak, other than English and your native language?

So, what languages do you speak, other than English and your native language?

Me? Em… By default I can do Belgian too. But that's cheating. I can do a bit of German. And if I see the text as it is spoken, a bit of French. But only when I know the context.

I gotta admit that I didn't see any difference between Dutch and Flemish during my vacation there. However, I heard that they have slight differences. And French? Well, no offense, French speakers. It's beautiful, but in French, you always waste too many letters, and the pronunciation is always different than what was written.

Speaking about Uncharted again, that part at the abandoned German base was really scary. NOPES everywhere.
"Oh, look! An MP-40!"
"Wow, lots of MP-40s! Wait, why are they scattered all over the place?"
"I have a bad feeling about this…"

Couple words are different. It's more the matter of speaking. Dutch is really flat, Flemish is like singing. All the sentences have a special tune to them. Hard to explain. And the G is soft. ^^

I know exactly what you mean! The first time I did that section, I played with the sound off. Few weeks ago, when I played to remaster too, I yelled the lungs out of my chest. I always sing when I'm scared, so it ended up like: "let it go. Let it GAAAAAA. GET THE *** AWAY FROM ME!!"

in French, you always waste too many letters, and the pronunciation is always different than what was written.

Exactly my thoughts. French is needlessly complicated.

In kindergarten I learned the basics of German, but in school I had to study French. However, when I got to high school I switched to Deutsch and I'm very glad about it.
I prefer German and I guess it's because I got introduced to it first… Anyway, it's good to know a little bit of French.

I'm on mighty thin ice here but… Am I the only one here who thinks French is an ugly language? What a dub, any dub, and they have to talk fast like a hamster of coffee forgetting to add emotion. Uuggggh.
But hey. I don't like any languages except English. And maybe Latin.

I know exactly what you mean! The first time I did that section, I played with the sound off. Few weeks ago, when I played to remaster too, I yelled the lungs out of my chest. I always sing when I'm scared, so it ended up like: "let it go. Let it GAAAAAA. GET THE *** AWAY FROM ME!!"

emoji It's a different story for me. I played the game alone, and when alone, I always stay silent. So, my eyes were wide open, my heart is beating fast, and I felt really really scared. And the scariest moment would be when you're still realoading and suddenly some wild zombies appear out of nowhere.

And Rocky, same. I'd rather choose German over French. Because in German, the pronunciation is not so different than what was written.

In Greek it's easy, what you write is what you say , like in German or Latin. And unlike many other languages there is visual intonation so you don't have to guess especially in English. English are easy to learn yet so random…

Visual intonation? Can you explain, and maybe give an example?

Visual intonation? Can you explain, and maybe give an example?

When you want to intone a word so you can know how to pronounce it correctly you use this mark ΄ above a vowel. For exaple milk in Greek is γάλα [ɡála] and only the first a is pitched in this very example. One of the final two or three syllables can be intoned and every letter has only one pronunciation (the a=α and e=ε are pronounced as in "Ratchet", the i=ι,η and u=υ are samely pronounced as the i in "in" and lastly the o=ο and ω are samely pronounced as in "post". All of the consonants have only one pronunciation as well in every word). Another expample is the word "I" which in Greek it "εγώ" [eɡɔ͜ɔ́] and if you know lation it is just like "ego" but with with opposite intonation. Hope I was more helpful than confusing. Just in case you want to see more check this out

Well, seemed to be quite complicated. But good to know about it! emoji

λ? Half-Life 3 confirmed, huh?

λ? Half-Life 3 confirmed, huh?

Has anyone played Half-Life? I have played the first one a lot of years before when I was about 8-9 but after a while I got so scared that I never touched it again… Perhaps this summer I could play it.
Oh and a complicated Greek word "εαμοβουλγαροκομμουνιστοσυμμοριτισμός". It reminds you of German doesn't it?
Also guess who made it to 9gag . The sad part is that the 2007 and 2009 are turned around
and the 2016 one is stretched… Meanwhile am I the only one that thinks Ratchet is a lot more orange than he is supposed to be? A lot of tan is not so good!