Sujet : Really Random thread

Interesting, Ani. And Free Birds, that's about some turkeys which wanted to change the past and prevent people from eating turkeys every Thanksgiving, right?

Yep. The solution? Let them eat Pizza! It was so dumb…

Oh, yeah. Pizza. I watched the movie on TV, I'd say it's not good, but not bad either. However, I don't think it's the type of movie I'd like to watch repeatedly. And The Book of Life, haven't watched it. Is it good?

It's alright, nothing more than a classic Mexican-love triangle scenario.

Deliver Us the Moon is now on Kickstarter! For those who are interested, there's a download like to a free museum. It's a little like the Insomniac Museum, showing a bit of the developement process.

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Free Download!

First person that can post a pic of a Lombax in the museum will receive a digital cookie?emoji

Deliver Us the Moon is now on Kickstarter! For those who are interested, there's a download like to a free museum. It's a little like the Insomniac Museum, showing a bit of the developement process.

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Free Download!

First person that can post a pic of a Lombax in the museum will receive a digital cookie?emoji

Hmm, I wonder who's idea that was? emoji

It wasn't mine, if that's what you're thinking. emoji
I did say: ''Ah, like the Insomniac Museum then?''

I also didn't place the Lombax there. My boss just really loves the picture with that cosplayer!

If that Lombax is Ratchet, how can you spot him if the character you play is tall? Ha! Get it? No?

Actually, I do get that. ^^


Fine, I'll give myself a cookie. Cause I have Star Wars chocolate cookies from the budget store!

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So, does Keoken plan to sell DUtM to all over the world or only for certain regions, like Europe and USA?

So, does Keoken plan to sell DUtM to all over the world or only for certain regions, like Europe and USA?

All over the world is the plan. It's digital, so that shouldn't be too hard.

I like those blue uniforms in that picture. Are they purposedly made to make you all look like astronauts?

Broncos WON! #Manning's 200th!

I like those blue uniforms in that picture. Are they purposedly made to make you all look like astronauts?

Yeah, yeah. They're actually regular blue overals, but we had the WSA patches custom made. emoji
Also, €60.000 on Kickstarter!

€60.000?! That's so expensive!

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Tuesday's gonna be awesome!