Sujet : Really Random thread

I specialize in voice acting, Animovie. I'm always open. I do a pretty mean Amoeboid, Tyrannoid, KMR Drek, The Plumber, Thug Leader, Mr. Zurkon, and Holostar Studios Director impressions. And there's more where that came from. I can also do any monster or announcer.

I have neither facebook nor twitter (yes, it's possible), but I can go around and ask others emoji

*clears throat*

I see you have a tumblr now emoji

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I have neither facebook nor twitter (yes, it's possible), but I can go around and ask others emoji

*clears throat*

I see you have a tumblr now emoji

Made it just so I dont have to give updates on Facebook

Update: got a female voice actor after all! Can't wait to show you who it is emoji

I'm glad!

A wild guess. The Ace fan from the IG Boards?

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I don't mean to gloat here. But I can make a darn good Clank impression. ; )

Update: got a female voice actor after all! Can't wait to show you who it is emoji

I'm glad!

A wild guess. The Ace fan from the IG Boards?

Nope! But she is on the IG forums :oui:

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For those wondering if the leaked Jak and Daxter movie is still a thing…

By example, we are currently financing a number of films based on Sony PlayStation video game franchises including Heavenly Sword, Ratchet & Clank, Sly Cooper and several others currently in production but yet to be announced.

Phew. Had to unlike PlayStation UK on Facebook. There are some mean Uncharted story teasers online.emoji

I suppose that a lot of you the new Uncharted story trailer

But what really suprises me is the similarity between the 1:27 mark and Tachyon's offer to Ratchet. It sounds almost the same and the guy that says it is probably the villain. Both Tachyon and this guys say "go home or die". After the use of AC concept art I wonder if they decided to also use TOD's plot as well. Naughty Dog please…
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The best Uncharted 4 trailer meme.

Oh that was a tragic fail. sorry for the double post, don't know how to edit posts. here's what I meant to put.

Behold the best Uncharted 4 trailer meme.

If you look at the row of icons above your post, clicking on the icon with the pencil will allow you to edit your post.

For those wondering if the leaked Jak and Daxter movie is still a thing…

By example, we are currently financing a number of films based on Sony PlayStation video game franchises including Heavenly Sword, Ratchet & Clank, Sly Cooper and several others currently in production but yet to be announced.

I dunno if I really want to see a Jak and Daxter movie.
If we do get it, it'll be either made by people who didn't work on the first three Jak games and thus have no idea what made them great (e.g. the Sly Cooper movie) or it IS being made by people who worked on the first three Jak games, in which case I'd just rather have them put that effort into a new game.

Well… at least there's always the possibility of a new Crash Bandicoot game to look forward to…