Sujet : Really Random thread

I have played it on the PS1 because I dont have a PSP or a VITA, I love IG, they are the best at developing games. PS, This is the longest i have been talking to you.

Well you gotta talk to someone emoji

Insomniac are awesome. Too bad that recently they've been having MAJOR fan issues!

A4O was too different so everyone was pissed, Fuse was not Overstrike so everyone was pissed, R&C: FFA was tower defence so everyobne was pissed, Sunset Overdrive is XBO exclusive so everyone is pissed, Outernauts is closing down on Facebook and Kongregate so everyone is pissed.

Recently all they've had were the slither of people who like what they are doing and Nexus. Because I'm not short-sighted I see their reasons for all of this, but sadly most people don't emoji

I like how A4O was different especially when you have to fly through the asteroid field 'HONK THE HORN KRONK'

I like the artstyle from Overstrike better, but I can't say I've ever been pissed about Fuse. Didn't even know the hate until… internet.

Well thats the first time ive ever seen you use that term

I really do feel for Insomniac, they do all that they can for us, and what do they get? Hate! I mean look at this:

I understand people are pissed off, but they are really going overboard.

I agree that they done deserve the hate thyat they get but thats just what some people are like.

Well it is true that it is way easier to hate than it is to like and respect.

What we need is balance, people to see things for the way they are, making games is a team effort between players and developers. Devs need to make money, players need the devs to have money (and proper feedback) so that they get the games they want to play!

Balancing isn't the easiest thing to do, it is harder to mismatch the numbers than balance 'em

People have already said that fans are getting worse. The latest example would be the teaser images for Mass Effect 4. A few blurry pictures that made my heart pump and me brain speculate, but apperently most poeple were just saying that ME was doomded, judging by the hand of a few blurry pictures.

Guess nothing is good anymore…

I have no idea what you just said but ok

Now I never knew that I can remind someone of something different, Win for me

No BTN yet?

No BTN yet?

Can you please put the long name of a short one in brackets, like ITN (Into The Nexus) please?
I dont know what BTN means