Sujet : Favourite planet in Into The Nexus?

I've heard that people say it's the least memorable planet or so. But for me there was this "something", hah.

I was wondering if it can be count as a night planet or not, regarding to your question.
But I guess there's just cloudy in there and that makes it a bit dark.

It's not that it is a bad planet, people just forget about it because the plot doesn't really move there.

That's a bit strange because I find that place to be really relevant to the plot as "Mr. Eye" gets released to Ratchet's dimension and Vendra gets trapped to the Netherverse in return.
I would even say that without the events of Silox the rest of the story would not be happening (as we know it now). It's pretty much the turning point that decides the rest of the game.

So at least the end of the planet is relevant if not all of it (I think you meant that then?).

That's a bit strange because I find that place to be really relevant to the plot as "Mr. Eye" gets released to Ratchet's dimension and Vendra gets trapped to the Netherverse in return.
I would even say that without the events of Silox the rest of the story would not be happening (as we know it now). It's pretty much the turning point that decides the rest of the game.

So at least the end of the planet is relevant if not all of it (I think you meant that then?).

Mr. Eye gets out, yes. But my main gripe with it is how nothing's explained.
Why were Vendra and Neftin left behind? Why did Mr. Eye trap Vendra? Who IS Mr. Eye? Why were Neftin and Vendra even in our dimension? Are the lombaxes that ran away physically different from Ratchet and Azimuth? It feels like 75% of this game was cut because IG wanted an R&C released every year :/

EDIT: What was missing between Yerek and Silox that was crucial for Eye's return?

Neftin said something that they had to wear the walls between realities "thin" because they didn't posses the real Dimensionator.
The twins were doing that "wearing thing" on Silox and appearently it had to be thin enough for Mr. Eye to return while the "normal nethers" could be bring there with less effort.

Plus you wondered why Vendra and Neftin were left behind.
I do recall that it was mentioned somewhere in the game that they were left behind by their parents because of Mr. Eye's cruelty or something similar to that. That doesn't tell much though.

But I agree that there could have been more answers to these things (without the feeling that there was "too much" for a small game such as this. Then of course, the game could have been longer).
I wonder why the Nethers tricked Vendra to bring them to that dimension in the first place. Could they not stand their own dimension? Were they seeking somekind of interdimensional domination?
Or was it mentioned somewhere. Someone please tell me if I missed something crucial.

I also wonder if we are slightly wandering to a mysterious edge of off-topicness.

Neftin said something that they had to wear the walls between realities "thin" because they didn't posses the real Dimensionator.
The twins were doing that "wearing thing" on Silox and appearently it had to be thin enough for Mr. Eye to return while the "normal nethers" could be bring there with less effort.

Plus you wondered why Vendra and Neftin were left behind.
I do recall that it was mentioned somewhere in the game that they were left behind by their parents because of Mr. Eye's cruelty or something similar to that. That doesn't tell much though.

But I agree that there could have been more answers to these things (without the feeling that there was "too much" for a small game such as this. Then of course, the game could have been longer).
I wonder why the Nethers tricked Vendra to bring them to that dimension in the first place. Could they not stand their own dimension? Were they seeking somekind of interdimensional domination?
Or was it mentioned somewhere. Someone please tell me if I missed something crucial.

I also wonder if we are slightly wandering to a mysterious edge of off-topicness.

You're talking to me. They'll understand.

And I never actually heard about those, the only thing I remember is the fact that Neftin and Vendra had bodies adapted to our dimension and that was why they didn't have to use a special armour.

Also, how exactly did they wear the walls of reality thin? That's also left hangin'.

Ah, okay. It's all good then.

I hope I didn't make those up, hah. I should play through the game again to ensure things.

It had something to do with that Vendra and Neftin did those "interdimensional experiments" (aka the reason why the sector seemed to be haunted). As the twins kept doing that, it wore the wall thin.

To Darkstar and Lumipallo,

"Why were Vendra and Leftin left behind?"
Lumipallo is right that Vendra and Neftin were sent by their parents to the Polaris Galaxy to avoid the destruction in thier own dimension by "Mr. Eye." Vendra and Neftin were able to stay in Ratchet's dimension because they were still little and adapted (kind of like Superman), whereas if their parents were to come to that same deminsion they probably wouldn't be able to survive to the conditions. I think that's right. Check out the Ratchet and Clank wiki.
"Why did he trap Vendra?"
He knew she was one of the few who could send him back to the Netherverse.

Are the lombaxes that ran away physically different from Ratchet and Azimuth?]

Where did this question come from?

To Darkstar and Lumipallo,

"Why were Vendra and Leftin left behind?"
Lumipallo is right that Vendra and Neftin were sent by their parents to the Polaris Galaxy to avoid the destruction in thier own dimension by "Mr. Eye." Vendra and Neftin were able to stay in Ratchet's dimension because they were still little and adapted (kind of like Superman), whereas if their parents were to come to that same deminsion they probably wouldn't be able to survive to the conditions. I think that's right. Check out the Ratchet and Clank wiki.
"Why did he trap Vendra?"
He knew she was one of the few who could send him back to the Netherverse.

Are the lombaxes that ran away physically different from Ratchet and Azimuth?]

Where did this question come from?

The fact that Nethers in the Netherverse and the Ptogs are very different.

Also, shouldn't I be able to find all this explanation in-game? This was a problem in DL already with Ace, but having to check a Wiki for exposition seems really lazy.

The fact that Nethers in the Netherverse and the Ptogs are very different.

Neftin and Vendra adapted because they were young. And they were Nethers, I don't think the same thing happened to the Lombaxes who were sent to another dimension emoji

The fact that Nethers in the Netherverse and the Ptogs are very different.

Neftin and Vendra adapted because they were young. And they were Nethers, I don't think the same thing happened to the Lombaxes who were sent to another dimension emoji

So, we're just assuming that no women escaped to give birth?

My favourite planet in Into the Nexus is only Thram , i love the speciality that we can travel in the planet.
I love the liberty available in this planet , but i also like Yerek or else the Thugs' Arena emoji
The Yerek's soundtracks are really excellent !

The fact that Nethers in the Netherverse and the Ptogs are very different.

Neftin and Vendra adapted because they were young. And they were Nethers, I don't think the same thing happened to the Lombaxes who were sent to another dimension emoji

So, we're just assuming that no women escaped to give birth?

We are never informed if "Mr. Eye" was going to kill off Vendra and Neftin's species. It is likely that they're parents just sent them to Ratchet's dimension for a better life rather than escaping some sort of purge like Tachyon did with the lombaxes. And a purge was the case then if women were to escape then they would die off soon after leaving their original dimension because they would not be young enough to adapt like Vendra or Neftin.

My favourite planet in Into the Nexus is only Thram , i love the speciality that we can travel in the planet.I love the liberty available in this planet , but i also like Yerek or else the Thugs' Arena emoji The Yerek's soundtracks are really excellent!

When you are in the orphanage you can hear children laughing in the background. I find it funny and creepy at the same time. PLus the playground was humorous to look at.

The fact that Nethers in the Netherverse and the Ptogs are very different.

Neftin and Vendra adapted because they were young. And they were Nethers, I don't think the same thing happened to the Lombaxes who were sent to another dimension emoji

So, we're just assuming that no women escaped to give birth?

We are never informed if "Mr. Eye" was going to kill off Vendra and Neftin's species. It is likely that they're parents just sent them to Ratchet's dimension for a better life rather than escaping some sort of purge like Tachyon did with the lombaxes. And a purge was the case then if women were to escape then they would die off soon after leaving their original dimension because they would not be young enough to adapt like Vendra or Neftin.

You know that Vendra and Neftin are Nethers, right?

Regarding a statement said before, how was Vendra the only one to be able to trap Mr. Eye? Both Ratchet and Neftin had used the Dimensionator before, yet he just lets them go.
I think that if Mr. Eye spoke English, many of my questions would be answered. But alas TJ left IG, no explanation for these now.

When you are in the orphanage you can hear children laughing in the background. I find it funny and creepy at the same time. PLus the playground was humorous to look at.

The orphanage was creepy indeed. I find that playground to be pretty disturbing as there was this hopscotch thing which looked like the children there were jumping off the cliff and even the swing was not above the ground! Talk about depressed children… Though those were probably because of those "earth quakes" that were ripping the planet apart.
And inside the orphanage there was this thing where pets like guinea pigs drink from. I don't know, that was just… somehow sick? Unless the species that inhabit the planet drinks like that or something.

Which made me think of something random. Do you think that mayor guy that could be heard in announcements and seen in posters on Silox was "interplanetary mayor" of some sort? Because there was a big statue for him in Yerek in that Thugs-4-Less outpost area. So he has something to do with both of those planets appearently. I was like waiting for him to pop out and be some sort of villain or something, hah.

Regarding a statement said before, how was Vendra the only one to be able to trap Mr. Eye? Both Ratchet and Neftin had used the Dimensionator before, yet he just lets them go.

I don't think Vendra was the only one capable of doing that but as Neftin said, she was their best chance to get that done. While Neftin used the Dimensionator, Vendra pushed Mr. Eye to the portal with her powers (which ironically were granted to her by Mr. Eye). So it was because of those powers of her, not only because of the use of the Dimensionator.

When you are in the orphanage you can hear children laughing in the background. I find it funny and creepy at the same time. PLus the playground was humorous to look at.

The orphanage was creepy indeed. I find that playground to be pretty disturbing as there was this hopscotch thing which looked like the children there were jumping off the cliff and even the swing was not above the ground! Talk about depressed children… Though those were probably because of those "earth quakes" that were ripping the planet apart.
And inside the orphanage there was this thing where pets like guinea pigs drink from. I don't know, that was just… somehow sick? Unless the species that inhabit the planet drinks like that or something.
Which made me think of something random. Do you think that mayor guy that could be heard in announcements and seen in posters on Silox was "interplanetary mayor" of some sort? Because there was a big statue for him in Yerek in that Thugs-4-Less outpost area. So he has something to do with both of those planets appearently. I was like waiting for him to pop out and be some sort of villain or something, hah.

I thought that the guys at Insomniac were trying to be humorous with the playground. Examples including the hopscotch going off the cliff (if you look at the last space in the hopscotch it has a "X(" face drawn on it), the swing over the cliff, half the merry-go-round is off the cliff, etc.
What is this guinea pig thing? Apparently, I definitely missed that. And if it is as creepy as you make it out to be, then I want to see it. Why is this drinking device creepy, again?

You know that Vendra and Neftin are Nethers, right?

I never really made that connection that the Progs and "Mr. Eye" and his Nethers were of the same species. They seem so drastically different.