Smega # 6 avril 2014 09:24:25 Membre Messages : 947 Self explanatory. Let's talk about anything Oddworld.
Ratchet22 # 7 avril 2014 03:52:12 Membre Messages : 218 Oddworld? "Here on Earth you will have many trials and sorrows, but take heart, for I have overcome the world" John 16:33
HeatherGrace # 7 avril 2014 09:12:48 "Today the Rebellion dies." Membre Messages : 5964 Oddworld? How odd you've never heard of it. Though i must admit I never played the copies I have. Just tested them.
Kubak12 # 7 avril 2014 10:53:38 The shadowy puppet master... Newseur Messages : 3399 YouTube The only thing I know about Oddworld is that Michael Bross compossed the music for it
Smega # 22 avril 2014 10:34:07 Membre Messages : 947 Funny how the music seems to have more of a beat than a melody.