Sujet : Hopes for Ratchet and Clank PS4

Basically I don't trust release dates anymore.

Show me an example of video game that was released EARLIER than planned lately…

Yeah, you got me there.
But still… I think there will be something this year. This is usually the time a new game is announced so I wouldn't be surprised.

Yeah, you got me there.
But still… I think there will be something this year. This is usually the time a new game is announced so I wouldn't be surprised.

Well, Trilogy on Vita is coming emoji There will not be any Ratchet & Clank game this year, deal with it - IG is taking it's time to make that PS4 remake.

I don't think so either. It would have to be a PS4 title then.

Don't you think they'd want to end the PS3 era with a bang?
ItN is a bit anticlimatic when you compare it to DL.

Don't you think they'd want to end the PS3 era with a bang?
ItN is a bit anticlimatic when you compare it to DL.

ItN, epilogue to the Future saga - this was a farewell letter to the PS3, it didn't end PS3 era with a big bang, bit it got the series back on track. Besides, I don't think SONY will support any more PS3 exclusives…

Sony doesn't forget about their old consoles that easily. However I think Nexus was the last R&C to be made for that console. But, stranger things happen.

I hope is that Solana stays Solana and it's not "Polaris-zed". For example there would be Gadgetron, not GrummelNet. And there should be some of those old characters and species that inhabit Solana (not like the movie trailer which showed us Fongoids and Tharpods).

Some kind of racing would be nice to have again. I think they were a nice change to usual gameplay once in a while in PS2 games. Also, vehicles would be nice to have maybe (like those in R&C3 and Gladiator), even though there wasn't any in PS2 R&C1. There really hasn't been any after the Gyro-cycle in ToD (not counting ships).

Best for the last, I wish for super-extended Clank's traversal on Orxon. emoji Obvious joke

Plus, I still hope this doesn't reboot the entire series.

But, stranger things happen.


Rare, but not impossible. (Well.. maybe it is)

Rebooting the entire series seems unavoidable. But I sure hope not.

I am not really against the reboot idea that much… Ratchet with all his monologues about how did he grow up is pretty annoying to be honest… Yes, that is what I was refrencing to in that video.

What I'm worried about is that this reboot has Ratchet ALREADY grown up.

Yes, that is what I was refrencing to in that video.

Aha, now I get that too.

If they reboot the entire series, it will mean that Nexus will not be continued any time soon and that a big part of the games will become non-canon. That's what I'm afraid of anyway.

I think that they're rebooting the series so changes in the Future series actually make sense.
I'm also 100% sure that's the reason they're including Nefarious in the movie.

You mean expand on the story rather than re-doing it?