Sujet : Favorite Ratchet and Clank OST?

Out of all the Ratchet and Clank games, which ost is you favorite? Mine are Deadlock's (just because), size matters, all 4 one's, and a crack in time's (priate radio FTW!)
Also, which is your least favorite? Mine is FFA.

Ok, i made a list, prepare yourself:

1) Up Your Arsenal - It has a very similar style to Ratchet and Clank 2, but i chose UYA because of some awesome synthy, trancy, heroic tunes like "Landing Site", "Studio 41" or "Underground Caverns"

2) Deadlocked - This is the game where the developers went dark, and that's reflected in the awesome, evil soundtrack. It's often a mixture of synth and almost metal, for example "Landstalker Stalkin'", "Node Overload" or "Junking The Jammers"

3) Going Commando - Like i said, very similar to UYA, and i just love that style. Favorites include "Flying Lab" (Gotta love that deep saw-bass that comes in at 0:03), "Silver City" (Amazing Stereo) or "Wupash Nebula" (Which is just awesome). It also includes one of my favorites: "The Mine Shaft", because the rhythm and chord progression is just so extraordinary.

4) Tools Of Destruction - This is where good ol' Ratchet and Clank style met the Future series. I really love the Pirate theme. I like the main part of "Pirate Base 2", or "Reencounting Pirates", but i also really like "Cobalia - Spaceport". Oh, and of course "Groovitron 11"..
The problem is, that the soundtrack got a bit boring, either the tunes are very similar, or pretty lame..

5) Into The Nexus - Some amazing songs in there, and the orchestra really was worth it, but it didn't get higher because it kinda lacks the classical Ratchet and Clank OST feel, and because i don't know it that well.

6) Ratchet And Clank - OST was very.. happy back then. It had some remarkable tunes like "Underground Diving", "Scaling The Cliffs" or "Traversing The Fortress", but they all aren't really, "battle music". And if there was battle music, it was no where near GC or UYA.

7) Secret Agent Clank - Yes. The game is pretty crappy, but there are some very cool spy-tunes in the OST, just not many. My few favorites are "Azcotal Alley", "Underground Lab" and the Title Screen. That's also pretty much it..

8) Size Matters - This game was very short, and so there also weren't many tracks, but the ones that were there, were either pretty bad, or pretty good. I don't really like the game, which is probably also why i can't really listen to the OST, because it reminds me of it..
The OST did have some awesome effects in it, and my favorites are "Running Through Mirrors", "Fixing Clank" and "Farming Cooperative".

9) Quest For Booty - I really love the pirate tunes, but a big part of the game is spent wandering around and NOT fighting enemies, which means there is alot of ambient soundtracks, which also means, that there aren't many epic Pirate Battle themes. My favorites include "XMB Music" (This one is simply amazing. It's so calm yet so adventurous), "Battle For The Fulcrum Star" and "Angstrom's Brew Solved" (I know this one is very short, but it has a cool drive to it)

10) A Crack In Time - "Whaat? Why is ACiT so far back? I can't believe it!" Well, first of all (this might shock you), i don't really like this game too much.. it feels too empty, not replayable and just way too cinematic. I don't have a problem with storytelling or anything, but the action really is reduced in this game. And so is the musical action. It's very "sinewave-ish". and there are no really remarkable, innovative and exciting tunes. Most of it is either percussion or that typical "DAMM DADADA DAMM" stuff. Also, i don't really like the main theme in this game, which obviously explains why i don't like most of the songs. AND THERE'S ALMOST NO SYNTH emoji that was what MADE Ratchet and Clank for me.. Well yea.. here are some i still like: "Chasing Down Azimuth", "Fixing Anomalies" (Calm but pretty cool actually), "The Outer Islands" (pretty creepy, and i like it), and of course, the Groovitrons emoji
My absolute favorite track though, is the unused track. That was awesome to the max (except for the voices..), and i have no idea why they cut it..

11) All 4 One - Well yea.. maybe it's because the huge cluster of beeping and low-quality explosion sounds were louder than the music, but literally NO track is stuck in my head, except maybe the main theme, which wasn't that bad actually.

12) Full Frontal Assault - meh..

So, now my head hurts as well as my fingers, and probably your eyes, but that's it.

Well, hey, It looks like you were waiting for this thread LOL. And believe it or not, I totally agree with you on A crack in Time. Sure it had the most soundtracks of any game, but some were just…purposefully lame (like Inside the Nefarious Space Station). All 4 One really had some good environmental-feel songs that I liked, and size matters had some deadlocked mashed with RaC 1, which is why liked it. Yes, I am one of those people who like Micheal Bross, but you gotta admit, he did some great work on ITN :oui:

I have a soft spot for epic music. The Future Saga comes closest to that genre and especially ACiT. There are some amazing memorable tracks in that score!

My least favorite score is… let me think. I love all of the complete scores, but there are some loose songs that I didn't really like… I think. Nope, can't think of one now.

I was going to post my opinion, but then…

Ok, i made a list, prepare yourself:

1) Up Your Arsenal - It has a very similar style to Ratchet and Clank 2, but i chose UYA because of some awesome synthy, trancy, heroic tunes like "Landing Site", "Studio 41" or "Underground Caverns"

2) Deadlocked - This is the game where the developers went dark, and that's reflected in the awesome, evil soundtrack. It's often a mixture of synth and almost metal, for example "Landstalker Stalkin'", "Node Overload" or "Junking The Jammers"

3) Going Commando - Like i said, very similar to UYA, and i just love that style. Favorites include "Flying Lab" (Gotta love that deep saw-bass that comes in at 0:03), "Silver City" (Amazing Stereo) or "Wupash Nebula" (Which is just awesome). It also includes one of my favorites: "The Mine Shaft", because the rhythm and chord progression is just so extraordinary.

4) Tools Of Destruction - This is where good ol' Ratchet and Clank style met the Future series. I really love the Pirate theme. I like the main part of "Pirate Base 2", or "Reencounting Pirates", but i also really like "Cobalia - Spaceport". Oh, and of course "Groovitron 11"..
The problem is, that the soundtrack got a bit boring, either the tunes are very similar, or pretty lame..

5) Into The Nexus - Some amazing songs in there, and the orchestra really was worth it, but it didn't get higher because it kinda lacks the classical Ratchet and Clank OST feel, and because i don't know it that well.

6) Ratchet And Clank - OST was very.. happy back then. It had some remarkable tunes like "Underground Diving", "Scaling The Cliffs" or "Traversing The Fortress", but they all aren't really, "battle music". And if there was battle music, it was no where near GC or UYA.

7) Secret Agent Clank - Yes. The game is pretty crappy, but there are some very cool spy-tunes in the OST, just not many. My few favorites are "Azcotal Alley", "Underground Lab" and the Title Screen. That's also pretty much it..

8) Size Matters - This game was very short, and so there also weren't many tracks, but the ones that were there, were either pretty bad, or pretty good. I don't really like the game, which is probably also why i can't really listen to the OST, because it reminds me of it..
The OST did have some awesome effects in it, and my favorites are "Running Through Mirrors", "Fixing Clank" and "Farming Cooperative".

9) Quest For Booty - I really love the pirate tunes, but a big part of the game is spent wandering around and NOT fighting enemies, which means there is alot of ambient soundtracks, which also means, that there aren't many epic Pirate Battle themes. My favorites include "XMB Music" (This one is simply amazing. It's so calm yet so adventurous), "Battle For The Fulcrum Star" and "Angstrom's Brew Solved" (I know this one is very short, but it has a cool drive to it)

10) A Crack In Time - "Whaat? Why is ACiT so far back? I can't believe it!" Well, first of all (this might shock you), i don't really like this game too much.. it feels too empty, not replayable and just way too cinematic. I don't have a problem with storytelling or anything, but the action really is reduced in this game. And so is the musical action. It's very "sinewave-ish". and there are no really remarkable, innovative and exciting tunes. Most of it is either percussion or that typical "DAMM DADADA DAMM" stuff. Also, i don't really like the main theme in this game, which obviously explains why i don't like most of the songs. AND THERE'S ALMOST NO SYNTH emoji that was what MADE Ratchet and Clank for me.. Well yea.. here are some i still like: "Chasing Down Azimuth", "Fixing Anomalies" (Calm but pretty cool actually), "The Outer Islands" (pretty creepy, and i like it), and of course, the Groovitrons emoji
My absolute favorite track though, is the unused track. That was awesome to the max (except for the voices..), and i have no idea why they cut it..

11) All 4 One - Well yea.. maybe it's because the huge cluster of beeping and low-quality explosion sounds were louder than the music, but literally NO track is stuck in my head, except maybe the main theme, which wasn't that bad actually.

12) Full Frontal Assault - meh..

So, now my head hurts as well as my fingers, and probably your eyes, but that's it.

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Prepare for a shocking list of Kubak12's favourite OSTs…


Quest for Booty – this is probably the most unique David Bergeaud soundtrack. While there is still some synth, it’s the orchestra that plays the main role. And it takes us on an incredible pirate journey. All of the music is incredible – no matter if you fight pirates on their ship, struggle through Morrow Caverns or are exploring the wonders of Hoolefar Island. QfB is actually the most cinematic soundtrack Bergeaud has ever made and makes me wonder how would a R&C movie sound with his compositions…


Ratchet & Clank – the very first R&C soundtrack and still one of the best. I love it’s characteristic light hearted synth/orchestra music and I like it’s battle tracks a bit as well.


All 4 One – what’s with the All 4 One hate? The game wasn’t the greatest, but it was not as bad as everybody claimed it to be. So was the soundtrack. At the beginning, I really enjoyed Michael Bross’ introduction to the series… And I still enjoy it. It suits the game, it’s got memorable themes… Perhaps a little childish, but don’t forget the purpose of the music is to suit the game well.


Going Commando/Up Your Arsenal – sure, these soundtracks aren’t the same, but I have the same feelings towards both of these games’ music – they both have epic tracks, good tracks and some less memorable track. Yet both are still a solid work of good ol’ Bergeaud.


Size Matters – this one is pretty interesting. It’s mixing GC/UYA style with some DL elements and more “childish” music. And it works. It really works.


Into the Nexus – interesting, how people fell in love with this one. I’m personally pretty torn apart about it – on one side, it’s got great tracks, mostly orchestral, but also the ones from the arena (a great homage for David Bergeaud), on the other side… It’s got some of the most boring, dull or even just annoying ones (Silox, some of the Thram tracks, Meridian City final battle music). Luckily, the good side really shines. And there’s that retro-style theme!


Tools of Destruction – David Bergeaud decides to get next-gen – and he kinda does. You can hear this one is different than his PS2 work – more orchestral and… more orchestral. And while it works very well in-level… There is that infamous cutscene music. That doesn’t change the fact, that ToD has got a very decent music, whenever you’re exploring a swamp, a giant city or fight a bunch of Pirates. But I wish David had a chance to work with a real orchestra…


A Crack in Time – the infamous ACiT music… You either love it (“So cinematic and movie-like”), or hate it (“Booo, I want David Bergeaud back!”). It’s okay. Yeah, the main theme doesn’t match the ones composed by Bergeaud or Bross, the battle tracks miss required “power”… But that’s why I say it’s okay, and not “super-duper-epic”. The Great Clock tracks are great, the overlooked “Polaris Classical” radio tracks are a solid piece of music… And the “Pirate Radio” of course (though that is a licensed music). Beisdes, let’s face it… ACiT wouldn’t have worked with Bergeaud’s music, not with the style he had for the previous games at least.


Secret Agent Clank – “Yay” for the incredible epicness of Clank’s spy tracks! The Ratchet and Qwark battle tracks were just passable though… With the exception of hilarious “Madame Butterqwark” that is.


Full Frontal Assault – the more I listen to it the more my hate grows smaller – but it’s still number eleven. It’s Michael Bross trying to be his own version of David Bergeaud… And failing. The main theme is pretty good though…


Deadlocked – „WHAT? ARE YOU CRAZY?! DEADLOCKED WAS THE BEST ONE!” Yup, I don’t like Deadlocked’s soundtrack. This is actually the only game I really can’t remember more than two tracks from (I remember the one playing at the station and the winning music) – it’s boring, repetitive, dull and overall pretty uninspired compared to any other of David Bergeaud’s work.

Kubak, think "Dreadzone Victory Theme." Sure, it may not have reminded us of RaC, but it was still a epic soundtrack.

Kubak, think "Dreadzone Victory Theme." Sure, it may not have reminded us of RaC, but it was still a epic soundtrack.

It's not that I didn't like it because "it's not like R&C" (note A4O on third place), I just think that even standalone it's pretty uninteresting.

Kubak, think "Dreadzone Victory Theme." Sure, it may not have reminded us of RaC, but it was still a epic soundtrack.

It's not that I didn't like it because "it's not like R&C" (note A4O on third place), I just think that even standalone it's pretty uninteresting.

I've got to admit I have few OSTs from DL on my computer - downloaded!
"Labyrinth of Death" (Orxon)
"Energy Collector" (Stygia)
"The Grinding Chase" (Ghost Station)
"Defeat Gleeman Vox" (Obvious)
I'd say they are like FFA. Good, but not RaC good.

Kubak, think "Dreadzone Victory Theme." Sure, it may not have reminded us of RaC, but it was still a epic soundtrack.

It's not that I didn't like it because "it's not like R&C" (note A4O on third place), I just think that even standalone it's pretty uninteresting.

Like i already said in this thread, (which really didn't get much attention.. no music analyzers here?) i actually thought there were a few songs that repeat. I NEVER realized that the tracks were different every level, when i played the game. But, if you look at my list, it is my second favorite OST. Why? Well because even if the music is repetitive, it is awesomely repetitive, if that makes sense..

I mean, that the awesomeness range goes from "awesome" to "omg i need to change ma pants". I guess i'm just a sucker for that hardcore, badass electronica sound. emoji

I mean, that the awesomeness range goes from "awesome" to "omg i need to change ma pants". I guess i'm just a sucker for that hardcore, badass electronica sound. emoji

And I'm not a sucker for DL's metal vibe emoji

UYA was my favourite for it's music UYA was my favourite for everything about UYA :O I loved the Metropolis and Starship Phoenix tunes the boss fighting against Neffy was epic aswell emoji