Sujet : The Star Wars Thread

The spyro thing is ridiculous though. emoji

The spyro thing is ridiculous though. emoji

Insomniac said they liked the design. I don't really believe that though. Think they were just trying to be nice and put some water on the fire.

The part that upsets me is that there are so many kids now that don't know that Spyro is his own character.

True! They think he's a ''Skylander''. I don't understand why they needed Spyro to make that game. :/

Yikes. On another forums someone posted a spoiler tag in the VII forums. I guess this is where I cut myself off from the internet 'till friday.

You don't have our permission to leave RG! emoji

Ok, maybe not RG. I trust you guys.
But I already removed my Facebook tab. That one is the most dangerous. emoji

I did see that the Force Awakens playset releases in 2 days. Hopefully the Cpt. Phasma figure will soon follow!

My mom said that we will watch it on Friday, but she's still looking for tickets. Hopefully, she manage to buy the tickets, and I'll just have to wait for a few days!

Glad I sent my buddy out to get them as soon as they were available. Those were the premiere tickets I had. Back row seats. Luckily we were still able to trade them for friday. Front row, but hey… it's something!

I'm thinking about going twice. A friend of mine wants to see it too. I'm going to a special IMAX support theatre in a big city. But the enormous cinema in my home town is always empty. I can probabl have another experience there, where I'm alone in the theatre with my friend. emoji

We did a little promo thingy for Deliver Us the Moon to celebrate the Dutch premiere emoji

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Are you confirming that Deliver Us the Moon will have a Star Wars mod? emoji

This is the only site I'm using until I see it, I'm pretty sure I already had some of it spoiled it for me. emoji

I'm confirming that Deliver Us the Moon is totally canon in the Star Wars universeemoji

Luckily I'm still clean when it comes to spoilers. *knock on wood

I'm confirming that Deliver Us the Moon is totally canon in the Star Wars universeemoji

Luckily I'm still clean when it comes to spoilers. *knock on wood

Watch out! In a few years months people may fangasm over that statement!

Decided to open 9GAG's Fresh section last night.

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Yes, some people posted Star Wars spoilers emoji


I knew it, I knew I shouldn't look at 9gag anymore for the next 2 days. Thank the Maker. I almost did yesterday.

SHARDS! Gotta love Game Design studies. The entire grade numero uno is going to the movie tonight and part it them have already seen it. So they feel like yelling spoilers around like it's Game of Thrones! So I've locked myself in a tiny room with headphones and the complete OST. And I will not leave it until I'm going home.