Sujet : The Star Wars Thread

I didn't expect a whole lot.

…but I didn't expect them to butcher Phasma like that.

So yeah. Underwhelming. But I've already said that the Lucas Canon will always be my true canon. Heir to the Empire all the way!

These are the Real3D glasses btw emoji

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I'll be honest - I never really care about the expanded universe. Though I do like The Force Unleashed. I haven't fully understood the whole plot, but I say that it has a good storyline. I do like that Galen Marek, a former apprentice of Father Vader, turns to the light side and become a great Jedi.

I'm a booky ^^
I didn't care much for th movies up until a few years ago. I always loved the games and didn't feel the need to watch the movies until I wanted to play KOTOR (an incredibly lore driven game). So I was well into Darth Bane and such other incredible stories that shoved the movies aside for me. Force Unleashed is probably one of my favorite EU stories though. I love the relationship between Starkiller and Juno. Probably the best love story in all of Star Wars!

Membre supprimé
I'm a booky ^^
I didn't care much for th movies up until a few years ago. I always loved the games and didn't feel the need to watch the movies until I wanted to play KOTOR (an incredibly lore driven game). So I was well into Darth Bane and such other incredible stories that shoved the movies aside for me. Force Unleashed is probably one of my favorite EU stories though. I love the relationship between Starkiller and Juno. Probably the best love story in all of Star Wars!

But, there isn't much competition for love stories in Star Wars XD

"Are you an Angel?"

Well, you have Leia and Han, Mara Jade and Luke, Revan and Carth/Bastilla, Obi-Wan and Satine, Wedge and Lella… Me and Phasma… wait, did I say that out loud?

You and Phasma? What? You're both female! emoji

Okay, one question. If one of the rules of being a Jedi is that you must not love someone, then how could Anakin and Luke marry someone without getting any consequences?

Phasma is so cool, she makes straight girls turn their heads. emoji
Speaking of which, I can't find her Black Series figure anywhere! The stores sell both waves, except her. And if I want to order it on eBay, I end up spending double. :/

Anakin and Padmé did marry in secret. It was still forbidden. emoji

Oh, yeah, apparently only Obi-Wan who knows they are married. Poor Jedis, not allowed to have families. And Luke, what's your explanation for your marriage with Mara?

I pretty much agree with you Heather on everything, but…blast: I did not need my heart torn into a million pieces. Because you know more than me, I have few questions that need answering…

Is Rey luke's daughter or Han's? If she is, that would make Kylo Ren her brother.
WHO IS STOKE?!? Like, what is he? I need info, NOW!!!
Is Finn one with the force? He did have a lightsaber, and handled it well. I'm actually rooting for him!
Is Ren dead? Cuz he should be!!!
Does Luke still have his green lightsaber?
Does Maz Katana survive?
Knights of Ren in flashback? Like….what? What did Rey see?
Did the Starkiller planet blow up Couresaunt?
How did Poe survive? He didn't really make that clear.

Okay, I'm done. #wookielivesmatter

Coruscant, Ani. If you meant the big metropolitan planet which is the Republic's capital, it's Coruscant.

I pretty much agree with you Heather on everything, but…blast: I did not need my heart torn into a million pieces. Because you know more than me, I have few questions that need answering…

Is Rey luke's daughter or Han's? If she is, that would make Kylo Ren her brother.
WHO IS STOKE?!? Like, what is he? I need info, NOW!!!
Is Finn one with the force? He did have a lightsaber, and handled it well. I'm actually rooting for him!
Is Ren dead? Cuz he should be!!!
Does Luke still have his green lightsaber?
Does Maz Katana survive?
Knights of Ren in flashback? Like….what? What did Rey see?
Did the Starkiller planet blow up Couresaunt?
How did Poe survive? He didn't really make that clear.

Okay, I'm done. #wookielivesmatter

Snoke reminded me of an Engineer from Prometheus. Too much GC'ish for me. He didn't really fit imo.

Rey could be Jaina Solo. If she is, then I will throw my The Last Command novel through the screen during the reveal.
Yeah. You're supposed to channel the Force to turn it on. But since Disney ignores canon… I dunno.
Nah, Ren's not dead. Han is though! *cries
My thoughts exactly! They used blue because it was Anakins, I think. But what happened to Luke's own?
Yeah, she will. She needs to answer that 'great question'
Force cave! Ewan McGregor actually voiced some of the random noices!
Nah, I don't think so. I believe it was charging for it.
Magic! Nah, he ejected out before Finn did. Ending up some place earlier in the slipstream.

Does that help any?emoji

Disney, I thank you for making Episode VII worth the hype. But, do you really have to mess the storyline?

I came up with a cool theory around Captain Phasma and I would love the opinion of you guys ^^

I think Phasma is the Disney Canon's version of Mara Jade. A woman who has it all. A supreme position within the commandos, power, influence, contacts… Until she loses it all because of Finn. Much like Mara who lost her position as Hand when Luke "killed" Palpatine. And she vowed to make him pay for it.

I think after turning the shields off, Phasma will be stripped of her rank. The shiny chrome armor gone. She knows nothing of a life outside the First Order, but there is only one thing on her mind: killing Finn, revenge. She seems like the type that never removes her helmet, so I don't think any other than herself know what she looks like. She's about 2 meters tall, but without a face it's hard to place people. I think she's going to infiltrate the New Republ– I mean Resistance. And then go for Finn because he destoyed her live.

I would absolutely love to see something like that. Character developement!

Well, that's a quite cool theory! emoji

A friend of mine said: "Think she'll just go to the Resistance with Ren and do a massive shootout.". I'd like that too!
One of the coolest things she did in the movie was probably…

Ordering her troops to kill all civilians. Hence the quote under my pic: "on my command. Fire" with her intimidating strangely calm voice

Simply awesome!