Sujet : The poll discussion thread

The Cryomine has a vote?

Someone is messing with us! No one could possibly like the Cryomine.

It's probably darkstar…or anakdewo. Also…it's summer where you live, but it's 70 where i live…in the USA!
I'm guessing people didn't like how ineffective the Cyroshot is…or the game in general.

Hey, HEY! My name's ankadewo, not anakdewo

Hey, HEY! My name's ankadewo, not anakdewo

Sorry! Just woke up emoji

Oh, ok. I can tolerate that. Btw, what time is it there?

The Cryoshot's actually pretty good in PvP.
EDIT: I voted for the Winteriser.

Me too, but in hindsight, I probably would have voted for the liquid nitrogen gun too. It needs more votes!

Winterizer, definitely.

It's probably darkstar…or anakdewo. Also…it's summer where you live, but it's 70 where i live…in the USA!
I'm guessing people didn't like how ineffective the Cyroshot is…or the game in general.

70? What is 70? BTW: I usually just assume everyone lives in the USA, unless they say otherwise.

I also really like the Cryoshot, it is an incredibly powerful weapon, and a critical part of your arsenal in FFA

Maybe he meant 70 degrees Fahrenheit

Liquid Nitrogen Gun all the way!
Was a close call between the it and the Winterizer though, but design made the decision.

Also, this is my first post after some really long time of just lurking around emoji

Maybe he meant 70 degrees Fahrenheit

that is correct

Maybe he meant 70 degrees Fahrenheit

that is correct

Unfortunately I don't have any idea what the conversion is between Fahrenheit to Celsius, so I'll just assume 70 is hot for winter… here 70 would be a crisis emoji