Sujet : Games you're looking forward to

We've seen things like this before from Naughty Dog (I don't think it's the same batch of artwork). And it would seem that they are just showing the failed attempts to make the game style less cartoony. And OF COURSE THEY WOULD FAIL!!

You can't make Jak and Daxter too realistic-looking, otherwise it'll loose a lot of it's unique design that makes the series what it is. ND know this, and that is why they stopped the original Jak sequel project. It is unknown if they plan on picking it back up to try an continue to ruin the games' art-style or if they will try and go with a cartoony style more like what we all know and love… or if they plan on returning at all.

Insomniac had these same problems too, early on in development. They tried to make things look too realistic, but look at the games now!

I think they should go with this artstyle:

User image

Yea, that seems pretty accurate.

I think they should go with this artstyle:

User image


Yes, even better.

That is so… AWESOME!

Well it is nothing new…

No confirmation just might. It might just be a fake leak.

Or they leaked it on purpose. Companies do that sometimes.

What leak? You mean the FFS thing?

Never mind, I mixed 2 things up. (I don't even understand my sentence in my previous post anymore)

If Jak was to get a movie, what would the tagline be? Ratchet and Clank's tagline was "Blasting into Theaters." Sly's was "Breaking Into Theaters." Could Jak actually have catchy tagline such as that?

Jumping Into Theaters.

If it's about the first game then journeying into theatres
If it's about the sequels then I don't know…. swearing into theaters

Jumping Into Theaters.

Not really as catchy. Maybe if it started with a "B".

…and of course, there's the possibility that if this movie gets made, it will go straight to DVD, like HS.

Rolling / Punching / Kicking into Theaters?