Sujet : Something I've noticed...

When looking at some images from the upcoming R&C movie, I noticed that this picture of Drek:
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Looks very similar to trollface
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He's not the only one:

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That's All 4 one's universal Qwark model.

Out of all the A4O re-designs, I hate Qwark's most.

Out of all the A4O re-designs, I hate Qwark's most.

Same. Ratchet's new model looks very similar to the Movie one, Clank's was an improvement, purple suited Neffy well, but Qwark? Well, at least he's still a moron…

No wonder they changed his look for the movie (the look–I might add–that is the best of all of them). Until I see more than 3 seconds of Clank in the movie, then I can decide if the comic style works for him.

Yea, A4O Qwark is pretty bad. And my avatar will forever provide a reminder of this little accident.