Sujet : Naughty Dog vs. Insomniac Games

For me Crash 2. Loved that game. Great music, awesome level design and saving whenever you want. Oh glorious saving, how I missed you in Crash 1!

Still waiting for Ratchet vs. Jak…

Me too. I've lost the mood to vote now

I have to go with Spyro 2. It just felt like such a complete game. Oh and Crash 2 is really hard, while Spyro 2 has a fairly good balance of easy to difficult.

Still waiting for Ratchet vs. Jak…

Sorry, have to make sure Uncharted 4 is out by the time we get to that round.

I don't think Uncharted 4 will be out as early as March… will it?

I think you mean May.
And probably not, unfortunately.

The Ratchet vs Jak round will start in March, won't it?

If everything goes according to plan, yes.
However I meant the final round, which will be SSO vs U4. That'd be in May if Uncharted 4 was already released or released between then and now.

Right. Well starting a new round every week is probably a good idea for both that and to make sure everyone gets a fair chance to vote during each round.

It seems like everyone votes during the first few days though, although we'll see once we get to the 6th Generation since that seems like the time when most members here became hardcore gamers.

However I meant the final round, which will be SSO vs U4.

Oh, I already know what I'd vote for then. emoji

Yea, I'm pretty sure I would probably have the same vote as you, even though I've played neither game and…

That the game I would almost certainly vote for isn't even released.

For now, lets try and focus on our beloved PS1 mascots: Crash and Spyro, or else we are going to spend every round hinting at the finale.


Wow, this has been a slow round… if there are no more votes, I guess it's time to move on to the next round, right?

Completely forgot about this emoji
Anyway, looks like it was tie, with each game receiving a whopping 1 vote!

So no one won… oh well…

Time for the big leagues, often regarded as the best in their respective series!

Week 3: Crash Bandicoot: Warped vs. Spyro: Year of the Dragon

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