Sujet : Naughty Dog vs. Insomniac Games

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dang naughtydogs winning we need more people for insomiac

Definitely going to have to go with Ratchet and Clank, just because Jak 1 felt repetitive to me.

Well R&C1 has to be one of my favorite games. Although Jak and Daxter: TPL is indeed a very nice game that I admire quite a lot, I have to trow a vote at Ratchet & Clank, for simply being the best!

I could go really in-depth about this, like I am sure Kubak will, but I am not going to, because I can't be bothered. The main thing is that I voted.

Oh and nightwingratchet, try to avoid quoting people's posts when they contain images or massive portions of text, it can be kind of messy.

I should give it another chance. I have a Jak statue on my desk, but I'm not even a fan of the series. I might put it somewhere on my backlog… again.

Jak 1 is the fun and colourful game. Jak II is all dark, gloomy, repetitive and boring. While Jak 1 gives you a sense of progression as you explore the land and head north (no real need to revisit any areas), Jak II has a few areas you explore on a number of increasingly difficult occasions. Jak II's progression is more identifiable through the items and weapons you collect and upgrade throughout the game. But don't be fooled by the term "weapon", these games are platformers at heart, and have "special" shooting combat.

Jak 3 on the other hand has the best of both Jak games. You find your self in new areas connected to a couple of sandbox-like maps all the time. Many of these areas are very well designed, and have cool tones and tunes. There are heaps more guns, the powerup-like system (being vague about this as I wish not to spoil Jak II's big thing at the start) is very much improved, and you collect all the goodies from the second game plus more!

Jak 3 is an incredible game (keep in mind that this is my point of view), and is better than both Jak 1 and Jak II (Jak II being the weakest). BUT you can't just skip any Jak and Daxter games, because you will find that you will be missing massive chunks of story that will pretty much ruin the plot for you. And Jak and Daxter have always had much better stories than Ratchet & Clank.

I never got to Jak 3… Can I, y'know, skip 1 and 2. Please?

Well if you couldn't make it through 1 or 2, then I wouldn't bother with 3. It's a nice wrap on everything that happened before it, so it will mean a heck of a lot less to you without having played and enjoyed 1 and 2. Infact if you didn't like the earlier games enough to compete them (Jak 2 could be understandable though, because it's really freakin' hard) then Jak 3 is simply a bit better than the 2 before it, so you probably won't like it much either.

I have a basic understaning of Jak 1 and 2. But again, I might give it another chance.

Jak 1 is the fun and colourful game. Jak II is all dark, gloomy, repetitive and boring. While Jak 1 gives you a sense of progression as you explore the land and head north (no real need to revisit any areas), Jak II has a few areas you explore on a number of increasingly difficult occasions. Jak II's progression is more identifiable through the items and weapons you collect and upgrade throughout the game. But don't be fooled by the term "weapon", these games are platformers at heart, and have "special" shooting combat.

Jak 3 on the other hand has the best of both Jak games. You find your self in new areas connected to a couple of sandbox-like maps all the time. Many of these areas are very well designed, and have cool tones and tunes. There are heaps more guns, the powerup-like system (being vague about this as I wish not to spoil Jak II's big thing at the start) is very much improved, and you collect all the goodies from the second game plus more!

Jak 3 is an incredible game (keep in mind that this is my point of view), and is better than both Jak 1 and Jak II (Jak II being the weakest). BUT you can't just skip any Jak and Daxter games, because you will find that you will be missing massive chunks of story that will pretty much ruin the plot for you. And Jak and Daxter have always had much better stories than Ratchet & Clank.

Totally agreed!:oui:

I vote J&D for it's great exploration and side content (sorry, the nostalgia of R&C1 has worn off on me.)

Jak 3 on the other hand has the best of both Jak games. You find your self in new areas connected to a couple of sandbox-like maps all the time. Many of these areas are very well designed, and have cool tones and tunes. There are heaps more guns, the powerup-like system (being vague about this as I wish not to spoil Jak II's big thing at the start) is very much improved, and you collect all the goodies from the second game plus more!

Jak 3 is an incredible game (keep in mind that this is my point of view), and is better than both Jak 1 and Jak II (Jak II being the weakest). BUT you can't just skip any Jak and Daxter games, because you will find that you will be missing massive chunks of story that will pretty much ruin the plot for you. And Jak and Daxter have always had much better stories than Ratchet & Clank.

I have to disagree there, Jak 3's story is incredibly lackluster, it starts out intersting; there's an secret city in the middle of the desert, people who fail the emperor are thrown out or killed, but it goes downhill from there. The start of Jak 3 is composed almost entirely of minigames that have nothing to do with the central theme of the game (platforming) and the gameplay in the minigames don't come in at any point after the mission they appear in and all these missions do is give you these crystals which the characters you get them from have no reason to have

(seriously, why do these random citizens have fragments of a ball that can power up a laser that can destroy an entire planet?)

Not long after there are awkward land vehicles that control worse than the Zoomers in Jak 2 and flip on their heads easily due to the terrain of the desert, oh yeah, the desert would be a cool hub world but it gives the player no chance to explore since they are constantly being attacked by these random people who don't have anything to do with the story and are just there and don't get me started on the annoying dune hopper path that you have to take to the precursor temple which must be visited atleast 3 times in the story.
The game does introduce light powers to Jak but they're so gimmicky that only a few of them has a use and the most useful one is the one that is introduced about 8 missions before the game is up.

When the player finally reaches the city, platforming gameplay does make a bit of a comeback yet still the player is bombarded with minigames, also the game is even more linear than Jak 2, meaning that the progression the player got from upgrading his dark powers by collecting skull gems is gone, instead the player is given an infinite supply of skull gems from the moment Jak enters Haven city, effectivley making skull gems useless as there are so many of them, the game may aswell just give you the side missions for free since they're that common.

The characters from the previous games have been bastardised loads. Jak has reverted to his angsty self, even though he really lightened up by the end of Jak 2, he even has light powers yet is still as grumpy as ever, Ashelin is now the "love" interest, even though Jak 2 gave no hint as to them being interested in each other, Keira is a background character, they probably did that to hide the change in voice actors but in Jak X they kept the voice actor and made her a main character again so what's the point? And


….I don't really want to talk about how unfitting he is in this game and how boring they made him.

There is plenty more I want to talk about but this post feels like it has gone on for way too long, so yeah, i'd vote for R&C3 when that poll comes around.

I have to disagree there, Jak 3's story is incredibly lackluster, it starts out intersting; there's an secret city in the middle of the desert, people who fail the emperor are thrown out or killed, but it goes downhill from there. The start of Jak 3 is composed almost entirely of minigames that have nothing to do with the central theme of the game (platforming) and the gameplay in the minigames don't come in at any point after the mission they appear in and all these missions do is give you these crystals which the characters you get them from have no reason to have

(seriously, why do these random citizens have fragments of a ball that can power up a laser that can destroy an entire planet?)

I got very tired of Jak II's gameplay, so I guess (unlike Sly) the mnigames were more welcome here. But I still found a lot of fun in the platforming, shooting and racing. There were certainly enough of these 3 core Jak and Daxter mechanics to satisfy me.

Not long after there are awkward land vehicles that control worse than the Zoomers in Jak 2 and flip on their heads easily due to the terrain of the desert, oh yeah, the desert would be a cool hub world but it gives the player no chance to explore since they are constantly being attacked by these random people who don't have anything to do with the story and are just there and don't get me started on the annoying dune hopper path that you have to take to the precursor temple which must be visited atleast 3 times in the story.
The game does introduce light powers to Jak but they're so gimmicky that only a few of them has a use and the most useful one is the one that is introduced about 8 missions before the game is up.

They don't really go into too much detail about the Marauders. But they do say that the Marauders are kind of like more violent wastelanders that probably want to overthrow Spargus. And I for one found the wheel-based vehicle much easier to control, and more fun to race than the Zoomers. But of course you can still ride the civilian zoomers in the now smaller Haven city.

When the player finally reaches the city, platforming gameplay does make a bit of a comeback yet still the player is bombarded with minigames, also the game is even more linear than Jak 2, meaning that the progression the player got from upgrading his dark powers by collecting skull gems is gone, instead the player is given an infinite supply of skull gems from the moment Jak enters Haven city, effectivley making skull gems useless as there are so many of them, the game may aswell just give you the side missions for free since they're that common.

I found Jak 2 and 3 to both be equally as linear as one another. Jak 3 just didn't revisit a whole heap of locations all the time. And I was really glad that Jak 3 was done with the finite supply of Skull Gems. By the end of Jak II you either had enough, or not enough. You'd better hope you had enough, because looking for more was pretty frustrating. I enjoyed Jak 3's side missions more, because they got rid of most of the impossible ones from Jak 2. Infact the only side missions in Jak 3 that I can't do are the gun-course ones.

The characters from the previous games have been bastardised loads. Jak has reverted to his angsty self, even though he really lightened up by the end of Jak 2, he even has light powers yet is still as grumpy as ever, Ashelin is now the "love" interest, even though Jak 2 gave no hint as to them being interested in each other, Keira is a background character, they probably did that to hide the change in voice actors but in Jak X they kept the voice actor and made her a main character again so what's the point? And


….I don't really want to talk about how unfitting he is in this game and how boring they made him.

I'll give you that. The original cast was pretty dulled down.

Oh, look at the huge post I can't read because of spoilersemoji

I vote for Ratchet and Clank, because it was the first R&C game that I got when I was a child (I played the demo, to be precise). I'm also not a J&D fan. Besides, I like Ratchet more than Jak (and if you're wondering, one of the reasons is Ratchet is a feline-like character, and I love cats emoji)

Oh, look at the huge post I can't read because of spoilersemoji

The spoilers ARE severe, but fear not, for I do not make any comment on the spoilers.

So you make a long comparising of both games only to get it deleted… Okay, I'll cut straight to the outcome - Ratchet wins, though J&D is not far behind (if I wasn't a R&C fan I might have even gave it a point…emoji.