Sujet : Ratchet & Clank PS4 - Official Thread

I just hope they and it before everybody grows tired of it. There are too many game franchises out there that didn't receive an ending and are stuck on a cliffhanger…

I honestly want a great multiplayer R&C game as their last shot after the release of the final game. Because, multiplayer games are alive as long as people play it and the developer take a good care of it. And when you're done with a series, you might get that empty feeling, like, "What should I do next? It's over." The multiplayer game should at least fill in some gaps in the emptiness, along with replaying the old games.

That's a great idea! emoji
Besides the grand finale of Ratchet's story, we need a large multiplayer game that expands on the series universe! This game can be set either in the lombax dimention or on Fastoon before the war. Everybody will have the opportunity to customize their own lombax and have a personally upgraded arsenal. And there will be large maps/planets to explore, full of platforming, collectibles and lots of baddies to shoot. The best part is that this wouldn't be like one of those big MMO's like WoW/LoL/etc. (I really can't stand that type of game), it will stay true to the good old formula of a normal single player R&C game, only this time there are other people around too. I would totally pay for a PSN account only to play this game. :oui:
Well done soldier!
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Em, many franchises continue a series on a new platform. There's not reason for ItN 2 to be released on PS3 only. Just look at Uncharted, 4th instalment for PS4 only.

What I mean is that if the possible ItN 2 went to PS4, you'd have two R&C games on PS4. While sharing the same storyline, both depict a different part of the story, so us fans would understand it, but it would be confusing for other players (unless IG made the ItN sequel also look like a sequel to the R&C PS4 game).

That's a great idea! emoji
Besides the grand finale of Ratchet's story, we need a large multiplayer game that expands on the series universe! This game can be set either in the lombax dimention or on Fastoon before the war. Everybody will have the opportunity to customize their own lombax and have a personally upgraded arsenal. And there will be large maps/planets to explore, full of platforming, collectibles and lots of baddies to shoot. The best part is that this wouldn't be like one of those big MMO's like WoW/LoL/etc. (I really can't stand that type of game), it will stay true to the good old formula of a normal single player R&C game, only this time there are other people around too. I would totally pay for a PSN account only to play this game. :oui:
Well done soldier!
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Hey, that's almost like what I thought! emoji. Let's move on to the private messages. I'll share my thoughts about my dream multiplayer R&C game.

Yeah, for the multiplayer, they really should nerf some of the weapons (I mean it, RYNO).

I kind of agree and disagree at the same time with these points.

Firstly, Ratchet & Clank has always been at it's core a solid singleplayer experience. To end with a grand finale that is some sort of MMO would feel somewhat out of place if it was done in such a way that it couldn't be enjoyed just as much as the previous games in offline mode. So for this I think they would need to change the core formula a little bit. It would all be for the better though, as the games are slowly starting to lose their appeal over time.

As for story progression, imagine Grand Theft Auto (Liberty City or early San Andreas) but with 20/30 islands instead of 3. Now imagine that those are all actually locations on planets, all separated by a lack of having co-ordinates for them. So you'll start off on one and as the story progresses you will gradually unlock new locations. Each location will be quite large, and typically of a multiple path design, somewhat like what we had in the original games, but with a few more paths and larger hubs. You could find secrets, do the main missions (which result in further unlocking new locations), or do side activities and optional challenges.

Space travel like what we had in ACiT would be pretty welcome. Although it would be cool to have sectors with space stations and all sorts of space missions to set in these sectors be separated by massive voids of space. You could fly out into these voids and try to find planets on your own, but you are likely to get ambushed by more tough enemies the closer you get to these planets. If you do manage to find a planet on your own, and land on it successfully, you will likely have fought strong enough obstructions that you are more than ready to land on the planet anyway.

The galactic map would always show you where you are relative to your previous destinations, and the locations of planets you have discovered or unlocked. You could set a warp marker anywhere on the map and warp there, but if there is a planet or space station between you and it, you will be destroyed. This is unless you have discovered the planet you are warping to, in which case you will only be destroyed by known and mapped obstacles in your path.

Gameplay would be the same as it's always been, with gadgets and weapons being awarded to you after certain mission chains were completed (including side missions). But of course you can always buy weapons from vendors as you approach them. I always thought it would be cool to have two vendors too. Slim Cognito and Gadgetron (or whoever). Both offering different services.

Of course the premise for this game would just have to be some new and original plot. Whatever it is, it should take place after ITN, and attempt to tie up the series as much as possible. Like MGS4. To end the series in the Great War which took place before all the games we know today, would not feel right to me considering how ITN ended.

I kind of agree and disagree at the same time with these points.

Firstly, Ratchet & Clank has always been at it's core a solid singleplayer experience. To end with a grand finale that is some sort of MMO would feel somewhat out of place if it was done in such a way that it couldn't be enjoyed just as much as the previous games in offline mode. So for this I think they would need to change the core formula a little bit. It would all be for the better though, as the games are slowly starting to lose their appeal over time.

As for story progression, imagine Grand Theft Auto (Liberty City or early San Andreas) but with 20/30 islands instead of 3. Now imagine that those are all actually locations on planets, all separated by a lack of having co-ordinates for them. So you'll start off on one and as the story progresses you will gradually unlock new locations. Each location will be quite large, and typically of a multiple path design, somewhat like what we had in the original games, but with a few more paths and larger hubs. You could find secrets, do the main missions (which result in further unlocking new locations), or do side activities and optional challenges.

Space travel like what we had in ACiT would be pretty welcome. Although it would be cool to have sectors with space stations and all sorts of space missions to set in these sectors be separated by massive voids of space. You could fly out into these voids and try to find planets on your own, but you are likely to get ambushed by more tough enemies the closer you get to these planets. If you do manage to find a planet on your own, and land on it successfully, you will likely have fought strong enough obstructions that you are more than ready to land on the planet anyway.

The galactic map would always show you where you are relative to your previous destinations, and the locations of planets you have discovered or unlocked. You could set a warp marker anywhere on the map and warp there, but if there is a planet or space station between you and it, you will be destroyed. This is unless you have discovered the planet you are warping to, in which case you will only be destroyed by known and mapped obstacles in your path.

Gameplay would be the same as it's always been, with gadgets and weapons being awarded to you after certain mission chains were completed (including side missions). But of course you can always buy weapons from vendors as you approach them. I always thought it would be cool to have two vendors too. Slim Cognito and Gadgetron (or whoever). Both offering different services.

Of course the premise for this game would just have to be some new and original plot. Whatever it is, it should take place after ITN, and attempt to tie up the series as much as possible. Like MGS4. To end the series in the Great War which took place before all the games we know today, would not feel right to me considering how ITN ended.

I was actually thinking that the R&C story should be continued and ended in the same single player fashion. The multiplayer game will be set in the same universe, however it wouldn't focus on the 2 protagonists anymore (then I suppose you can't really call it a R&C game…emoji. It will expand on the series universe and will hopefully be a long lasting game that R&C fans will enjoy, but that will also attract newcomers. Think of the multiplayer game as a "bonus".

I suppose that would allow for character customisation on top of just customising the outfit. Of course the big downside I see in having a custom made character is that this usually means that we can expect their character will suffer as a result.

Either way, what you propose would be a good idea, I just think it would be nice to have at least the larger galaxy exploration be a thing in a R&C game starring Ratchet & Clank.

I've been thinking that the game we were proposing should star Ratchet, Clank, and the rest of the gang in some sort of survival mode. Maybe like TF2's Mann vs Machine, but for that game, it's the players against Nefarious' robot army.

Personally, I think that should the R&C franchise go anywhere close to an MMO style spinoff, it should chronicle the Lombax/Cragmite war (pre-dimentionator of course). I think of it as something along the lines of the classic Star Wars Battlefront games, where you'd have several different unit types, and each team has a certain number of reinforcements until defeat… otherwise, I don't think I'd want to see R&C try to do anything in the vein of an MMO, unless they can come up with a really solid new idea…

I just really like the Ratchet & Clank shooting and platforming gameplay, and would like to have more of an opportunity to see the gameplay in different context. We have not seen it in co-op since Deadlocked (because A4O featured completely different gameplay), and competitive player versus player style multiplayer has only been touched on a bit in FFA since Deadlocked.

An MMO would be a fun deviation from the traditional formula if we could still play the game with the same playstyle we are accustomed to.

I've been thinking that the game we were proposing should star Ratchet, Clank, and the rest of the gang in some sort of survival mode. Maybe like TF2's Mann vs Machine, but for that game, it's the players against Nefarious' robot army.

A survival mode could work really well. I don't understand why Q force didn't have survival, it would have been perfect.

True, a survival mode would be a great opportunity for another type of co-op mode too if we were to allow multiplayer in this one.

Honestly, I'd rather have the series end with a bang instead of having Insomniac milk it for a few extra bucks.
Heck, some people don't even like R&C anymore, which should tell you enough about its rep.
If it were up to me, R&C would have ended with ACiT. It has a nice sense of finality to it. Even though it doesn't answer all the questions it does a good enough job at answering the most important ones.

If anything, I don't want the games to continue being a yearly release.

Bah. I've seen the same thing with nearly all stories that extend beyond a certain period of years, or a certain number of distinct "chapters". This series has a good deal of untapped potential, and handled correctly it has plenty of plot before anyone should be crowing about jumping the shark. I'm by no means saying that Fixman was the best writer in the world, but he's not half bad. Especially when you consider that it's a video game plot, not one rooted in films or books. There are at least three major plot points that can be explored within the current canon, without adding anything- the lombaxes (as mentioned by a few others), the past (although in limited amounts), and Angela Cross/Max Apogee.

I fully agree with eliminating the yearly release schedule though. R&C has earned the right to be a legacy franchise, treated with care and brought out when a good idea comes along, not every year because Insomniac needs money.

They're one of the best production houses in the gaming business and have no problem making it day-to-day without diluting the series that put them on the map, and made people fans and followers of their work. This would go a long way to bringing the shallower R&C fans back into the fold too.