Sujet : Ratchet & Clank PS4 - Official Thread

Division-ten also said she went to the Torgiff waterfalls and battled a third telepathopus. Then Ratchet got a…thing. Maybe a box breaker or a bolt grabber.

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I do believe that division-ten said that it is where you would expect to get a thing in the full game, not that there was a thing there at all. Infact there were not even any gold bolts in the demo, so it's still possible that the reward at the end of that section could just be a gold bolt.

If it is just a third Telepathopus boss, like the two found at the end of the main course, then it probably won't be anywhere near as dramatic as the secret boss in Going Commando. Moe like a Basilisk Leviathan from Tools of Destruction.

This new Veldin and Pokitaru gameplay has made me a bit more excited for the release of this game. I would totally pre-order it if it were available for pre-order on PSN.

Also I don't get why Al is strange for referring to Cora as milady? Why, that is the proper thing to do! He's putting everyone else to shame.

EDIT: I hope this doesn't end up like MGSV, where we have seen all of the game before it even comes out… well actually MGSV is quite an extreme example, because we actually saw more of that game before it was released than what was actually in the game when it came out.

I also noticed in the interview with Ted Price he said there would be more of the original planets expanded and re-imagined, but with an extra 3 planets. I hoped for a bit more than 3 planets, but then again ACiT only had 5 in total.

These 3 new planets mean completely new areas. But pre existing planets will also have new side paths and an excellent example is the new Gaspar.

I don't know why she said there wasn't any gold bolts in the demo when we saw one during the first pokitaru gameplay. There was also one in the Veldin gameplay.

Imagine someone returning to this forum after living under a rock for a year or two:

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These 3 new planets mean completely new areas. But pre existing planets will also have new side paths and an excellent example is the new Gaspar.

I hope they are excluding space stations. That way we could be looking at 3 new planets including Nefarious' lab plus the Deplanetiser near the end.

I don't know why she said there wasn't any gold bolts in the demo when we saw one during the first pokitaru gameplay. There was also one in the Veldin gameplay.

Yea I suspect they removed them from this version of Pokitaru, then. I doubt KBABZ and Division-ten would let any hidden gold bolts go unfound, as they are nothing if not thorough.

Or because this is an old build from PGW, maybe they hadn't been added? I mean where had you seen the Pokitaru gold bolts? Screenshots?

It was during the Jet gameplay at the end. There's a small platform with a gold bolt on it. Division-ten and Kbabz should be uploading their Lunar Observer soon.

Imagine someone returning to this forum after living under a rock for a year or two:

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Who else haven't been active for a long time…

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This new Veldin and Pokitaru gameplay has made me a bit more excited for the release of this game. I would totally pre-order it if it were available for pre-order on PSN.

You can pre order on PSN you just have to search "Ratc" and then it should be on the list. that's how i pre ordered the game


Who else haven't been active for a long time…

Oh I could think of a whole heap of previously quite active people: TipsyMcBee, KiwiLombax15, Taz-dragon, CuteSigmaFan to name a few.

You can pre order on PSN you just have to search "Ratc" and then it should be on the list. that's how i pre ordered the game

Not in New Zealand, it's not. We may have to wait a bit longer before it gets put up, because Sony usually do a pretty poor job with updating our version of the PlayStation Store. I mean when those atrocious PS2 "emulated" games came out the other day, the ad on the PS Store was pretty well hidden, and written in Turkish.

These 3 new planets mean completely new areas. But pre existing planets will also have new side paths and an excellent example is the new Gaspar.

I hope they are excluding space stations. That way we could be looking at 3 new planets including Nefarious' lab plus the Deplanetiser near the end.

I think they said new Planets.


Who else haven't been active for a long time…

Oh I could think of a whole heap of previously quite active people: TipsyMcBee, KiwiLombax15, Taz-dragon, CuteSigmaFan to name a few.

You can pre order on PSN you just have to search "Ratc" and then it should be on the list. that's how i pre ordered the game

Not in New Zealand, it's not. We may have to wait a bit longer before it gets put up, because Sony usually do a pretty poor job with updating our version of the PlayStation Store. I mean when those atrocious PS2 "emulated" games came out the other day, the ad on the PS Store was pretty well hidden, and written in Turkish.

Did you say Taz-dragon?

I have been summoned! Sorry exams have me busy right now. emoji

I have been summoned! Sorry exams have me busy right now. emoji


Anyway, back to the office topic. I think I've reached the point where I don't want to know any more about the upcoming movie or game.

Well, what do you expect from Canada? It's not Finland, besides exams always exist.

And me, I still don't mind new informations coming. As long as it's not the spoiler of the ending.