Local online gaming website has just dropped this:
Remake kultovní PS2 plošinovky z roku 2002 se na PS4 objeví 20. dubna, tedy týden předtím, než bude do prodeje uvedeno netrpělivě očekávané Uncharted 4: A Thief's End. Modernizovaná verze od původních autorů ze studia Insomniac Games do kin doprovodí stejnojmenný film, který má v Česku premiéru 28. dubna.
Allow me to translate:
"The remake of the cult classic 2002 PS2 platformer is coming to PS4 on 20th April, so a week before the long awaited Uncharted 4: A Thief's End comes to stores. The modernized version from the original authors of Insomniac studios will accompany an eponymous movie, which premieres on 28th April in the Czech Republic."
Yay? Well I'll be in Canada so what
I hope that the town I'll be staying in has got a cinema with premieres on time 
Kind of bugs me the fact that they referred U4, and mentioned that it's long awaited as opposed to R&C being "remake of a cult classic", but hey, I guess Uncharted is what most of the site's readers know well, contrary to R&C.