Sujet : Your Favourite Game Cutscenes

The title says it. What are your favourite video game cutscenes?

im sure this is already a thred

He's right. This is already a Thread:
Unless this is for ANY game on ANY console…

Oh, so many! But I wouldn't be able to post them without spoiling the shards out of every single one of those games.

Here is a top 10 list of my favourite cutscenes:

10. Mick Does a Murder (Resistance 3)
9. Every time Daxter opened his mouth (Jak and Daxter Series)
8. Ratchet's Second Wrench (Ratchet & Clank 2)
7. That time Drake Said "Oh Crap" (Uncharted Series)
6. Qwark's Funeral (Ratchet & Clank 3)
5. The Cruiseship and Cargo Plane Set pieces (Uncharted 3) - They are kind of like cutscenes near the end.
4. The Intro to Killzone 2
3. The Ninja's Sacrifice (Metal Gear Solid)
2. The End of Assassin's Creed: Revelations
1. The End of every full length inFamous game

This list didn't go through a lot of planning, but it feels right enough to me.

My Favorite emoji :

1. The Space is Huge

2. The Fall of The Lombaxes

My Favorite emoji :

1. The Space is Huge

2. The Fall of The Lombaxes

Space is Huge: still my fav R&C cutscene, especially the part when Ratchet screams emoji

The Fall of the Lombaxes: Guess it felt pretty emotional, and made me hate Tachyon

For Ratchet & Clank specificly it's an easy pic. The final cutscene in ACiT, still one of my favorite game endings.

Oh, I can do that. Commence top 10 6 game endings:

6. Uncharted 2: Among Thieves
5. Beyond: Two Souls (Still here, Ryan)
4. StarFox Assault
3. Ratchet & Clank: A Crack in Time
2. Final Fantasy XIII-3: Lightning Returns
1. Final Fantasy XIII

For Ratchet & Clank specificly it's an easy pic. The final cutscene in ACiT, still one of my favorite game endings.

Oh, I can do that. Commence top-10 game endings:

5. Uncharted 2: Among Thieves
4. Beyond: Two Souls (Still here, Ryan)
3. StarFox Assault
2. Ratchet & Clank: A Crack in Time
2. Final Fantasy XIII-3: Lightning Returns
1. Final Fantasy XIII

Two 2s?

Favourite ending cutscenes? Alright, then. Here are mine (not exactly in order):

1. Ace Combat 5
2. Ace Combat Zero
3. LEGO Star Wars (Episode VI)
4. Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 2 (good ending)
5. Ratchet and Clank: A Crack in Time
6. Ace Combat: Assault Horizon
7. Call of Duty: MW3
8. Napoleon: Total War (French victory at Waterloo)
9. Ace Combat 6
10. Call of Duty: World at War

My favourite cutscene… at least from the RaC series has to be this one:

Huh. I never knew it was entitled "a familiar crack."