Sujet : lombax superiority

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It might just be my OCD overreacting, but ive always wondered if the lombaxes would have a sense of superiority over other species due to their technological advances. I say OCD because it picks little things out of my mind, however I think that this could be a good point to discuss. Let me know what you think.

I can't but to think about sayains

I can't but to think about sayains

I do not know what you mean.

And yea, I'd bet the Lombaxes would have been a pretty prominent race in the galaxy before Tachyon came along. They were always strong and smart. (Probably) not as strong as Agorians, not as smart as Terachnoids, but a good enough mixture of both.

I can't but to think about sayains

I do not know what you mean.

And yea, I'd bet the Lombaxes would have been a pretty prominent race in the galaxy before Tachyon came along. They were always strong and smart. (Probably) not as strong as Agorians, not as smart as Terachnoids, but a good enough mixture of both.

the sagains are a dangouroys race ifsrsoymndmbsljc

Maybe you could try writing that again. I can't make any sense of what you are trying to say.

Maybe you could try writing that again. I can't make any sense of what you are trying to say.

watch animovies video

Okay, I just watched it and it's pretty good. The fingers thing makes sense, and would have been unintentional from the developers point of view. I believe it's a good explanation even though it's unintentional, and I believe this because they probably gave Ratchet 5 fingers so that he could me more expressive than all the other lower detail characters. Insomniac were known for putting more detail into the playable characters than all the rest. I mean look at Spyro!

But this still doesn't explain what you mean by: "sayains", "sagains", or "ifsrsoymndmbsljc"

All female characters in the Ratchet and Clank universe have 5 fingers too.

Yea well that's probably just because females are better :oui:

Yea well that's probably just because females are better :oui:

he said to type with 3 fingers

That video does make sense. That's also why they could win the Great War. They quickly advanced in technology.

All female characters in the Ratchet and Clank universe have 5 fingers too.

Actually, that's not true. There are several female characters who only have three fingers. Helga, Darla Gratch, Edwina, Juanita, Courtney Gears and the Hoverboard race girl all have only three fingers.

As far as I can tell, only Lombaxes, Markazians, and Cazares have five fingers. Everyone else has only three.

But the Cragmites, they also used to be one of the dominant race with less fingers.

5 fingers, 3 fingers or none (tentacles)… Is there no race with 4 fingers?