Would you rather have quark's shild or Dr nefarious cloack
And this is to go EVEN FURTHER BEYOND
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Would you rather have quark's shild or Dr nefarious cloack
And this is to go EVEN FURTHER BEYOND
Messages : 1638
I'd rather have Qwarks Deflector over Nefarious' Cloak and Dagger, since I'm not entirely one for killing and would rather protect my backside.
Would you rather have the Protopet or the Gadgetron Hound of Cuddly Death as a pet?
(Of course the Protopet, now that it's tamed…
Messages : 3875
Would you rather have quark's shild or Dr nefarious cloack
In real life: Cloak and Dagger.
In game: QWARK's Quantum Deflector
And as for the Protopet vs Hound of Cuddly Death… I'd roll with the Protopet.
Here is a good one: Hoverboard from R&C1 or Hoverbike from R&C2?
Messages : 2733
Cloak and Dagger? That's also a thing in Team Fortress 2!
Messages : 3875
Well it's a popular phrase, that means you are going all stealth-stab on some poor fool.
Messages : 1638
Well it's a popular phrase, that means you are going all stealth-stab on some poor fool.
I always wondered if it has deeper meaning than just being "stealthy" and "mysterious"
Messages : 3875
Well it just means that you're being all shifty, and with negative intentions.
Cloak = conceal
Dagger = sharp stabby item.
Messages : 1638
Well it just means that you're being all shifty, and with negative intentions.
Cloak = conceal
Dagger = sharp stabby item.
Messages : 2733
Gotta love that GIF. Alright, I prefer Hoverbike.
Would you rather fly the Star Explorer or Aphelion?
Gotta love that GIF. Alright, I prefer Hoverbike.
Would you rather fly the Star Explorer or Aphelion?
aphelion would you rather have Clank's staff or ratchet's wench
And this is to go EVEN FURTHER BEYOND
Messages : 12
I'd definitely go for the Wrench (specifically the Millenium 12)
Ok, would you rather have Magneboots or Hoverboots?
There is no way a Lombax would invent something THAT ridiculous!
Messages : 3875
But if the question had been Gravity Boots or Hoverboots, I'd be closer.
Would you rather be quarks slave for 5 years or work for for 1 year Nefarious
And this is to go EVEN FURTHER BEYOND
Messages : 3875
I would rather be under the employment of Nefarious than be forced to work freely to someone like Qwark.
Would you rather be no more than a head for a year, or be forced to live with nature on Florana for a year?
Messages : 2733
I prefer to stay at home *mwahahahah*.