People of ratchet galaxy, I have an idea I'd like to get out. As I mentioned in some buried threads a few months ago, I don't really have faith that insomniac will continue the original r and c story, as it almost seems like the new movie/game is for the newer generation. Since the lombax issue still hasn't been solved. I made up a story mentally that would serve as the series conclusion should insomniac decide not to resume the original story after into the nexus. One of the key elements of the plot would be the return of the lombaxes, and towards the beginning of the story there would be a lombax "scout" who was sent back to the original dimension to see if it was safe to return. As the lombaxes are good with tech, they should have little issue taking care of what is on fastoon. The Galaxy celebrates the return of them. I want to incorporate some more but I will probably post it later. Do you guys have anything like this or ideas like it?