Sujet : Favourite memories

A lot of people grew up playing this game, and will say it's the best, growing up with it I can agree, I love this game to absolute death and can talk about it all day, so tell me some of your favourite memories from this game
I only have a few favorite memories of this game. One of them is definitely "One of nature's mysteries". That was so funny. Another is, without a doubt, the first appearance of my all time favorite RAC villain, Dr. Nefarious. He is such a funny villain and it's almost as though he would make me laugh every time he opened his mouth. So memorable.
I just revised my entire fanfic of this game. I could not believe how many errors I overlooked, especially that one part that I just completely skipped. Good thing I had it somewhere in my disk. I think I portrayed this game in my story very well as I can't think of anything that I didn't portray correctly. I may have also improved the game's story in my opinion, but what do I know about improving other's stories? I will have it published here overtime.