Messages : 20
Me neither
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Messages : 20
Me neither
Messages : 288
Me neither
Go to your PS3 internet browser.
I have a question. Is this site compatibile with Vista? Because, when I go to this site from computer with vista - computer will freeze and it restart itself… Why this happenig?
The site's compatibility has nothing to do with the Windows version you're using (I have 2 computers running on Windows Vista, and they didn't have any problem so far). We recommand to use Firefox or Chrome though
Messages : 283
one minor problem, on the stats card the V is the wrong way round, the slanted side is on the left rather than the right. just look at my name on my stat card
Picture made by Kitten Karnivore: http://oowhiplashoo.deviantart.com/
my dA: http://revanac.deviantart.com
Messages : 283
found one tiny error, when viewing the big pic of Orvus in his character profile, in the bottom right corner it says "sigmund" insted of orvus.
Not a big deal, just letting you know
Picture made by Kitten Karnivore: http://oowhiplashoo.deviantart.com/
my dA: http://revanac.deviantart.com
Thx for reporting =P
I just notice this thing… When you click on Ratchet Gladiator Characters (in English) Namely Ratchet and Clank, they has got their job in French. Ratchet – Mécanicien; Clank - Agent de Ratchet; oh and I forgot on Courtney´s „STATUS“ she has write „Personnage secondaire“. Please could you write this in English?
Thanks for reporting that too
Fixed ^^
Messages : 283
I found another error, in the tools of destruction planet list, Kreeli Comet is written as Comète Kreeli
Picture made by Kitten Karnivore: http://oowhiplashoo.deviantart.com/
my dA: http://revanac.deviantart.com
Thanks for reporting =P It's done
Messages : 50
Me neitherGo to your PS3 internet browser.
And what I do in PS3 internet browser?
Use triangle and choose the "Enter adress" option that has just unveiled. Then type the site's adress and use the links available on the site to access the PS3 Themes Page.
You might not understand this,but there is a soundtrack missing in Tools of Destruction.I noticed that if you die during the final boss and then return,you will hear a different soundtrack that was not heard from the game yet.Can someone please rip this from the game?
Messages : 11
Hi there. Is there any particular reason why whenever I try to download a video from the Media section all I get is the audio? This keeps happening to me for both the French and English version of the site, and in both Internet Explorer and Firefox. Help…?