Sujet : The Hacker

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Did you liked playing the Hacker mini-games in Up Your Arsenal? Or hated it?

I actually thought the Hacker was really fun to use. Sure it was a pain in some segments, but it was the one that I had really fun with. It's also definitely one of my favorite gadget mini-game to play in the series.

In results, It was fun. emoji

What are your thoughts about the Hacker?

it was kind of but it was also a pain

I havn't played that game in years so sadly to say I forgot what it is like =/

The one that looks like a green claw, the mini-game is the one where the red and green electricity balls are coming towards you in a tube and you have to grab the green ones (or is it destroy the red ones, I'm not sure, haven't played it in a while), but you usually have to do it 2 or 3 times.

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Oh yeah I remember these ones, I didn't mind them neither emoji thought they were more fun than the other hacker games throughout the series. But I remember some were quite intense at first, like the ones with 3-4 rounds xD

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Oh yeah I remember these ones, I didn't mind them neither emoji thought they were more fun than the other hacker games throughout the series. But I remember some were quite intense at first, like the ones with 3-4 rounds xD

The later Hackers in the main game play weren't as intense as the ones in the Insomniac Museum… now those ones were too hardcore to do! It was like playing a DDR game in Heavy Mode… except you use a controller rather than a dancing pad. emoji

Had anyone tried the Hacker puzzles in the Insomniac Museum in UYA? Or am I the only one who had tried them? emoji

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Oh yeah, I tried to do some of those but damn… those were really hardcore, a bit too much for someone slow like me XD

I don't think that I ever got far to the Insomniac Museum and tried the hacker puzzles in that game …. as far as I can remember anyways =/

Sometimes they're not too bad, but they can take ages, and then there are the levels that have loads of puzzles, like Daxx, or Holostar studios, which gets really boring after a while. emoji

If your actually very good at puzzles,the Hacker can be kind of addictive. :oui:

Funny puzzle? emoji …Yes! But not if you play on PCSX2. emoji If you play on emulation version, you understand what i'm talking about (some computers love higtway speed, thats made puzzle-win just impossible).

I enjoy the challenges that hacking provides in the R&C games but I didnt like the hacking in R&C3, the music was creepy and some of them went on for too long

I prefered the Hacker to the previous ones in GC and R&C 1

I prefered the Hacker to the previous ones in GC and R&C 1

I kinda liked the Trespasser more…

I prefered the Hacker to the previous ones in GC and R&C 1

I kinda liked the Trespasser more…

I found the Trespasser a little too easy