Messages : 203
I was more talking about working with his arch-Nemesis, but that's only for his 'own survival'. Trust me, Nefarious wouldn't be caught dead working with Ratchet or anyone good without a good reason (and even then, he won't at all like it). To get a good idea what i mean, read my fic (shameless plug I know), it's the best way I could desribe what I'm refering to.
And I can't even picture Nef working with another Villain. It's just not his style.
Personally, I don't want to see Nefarious again as the villain, I want some fresh talent (also it would be overkill having him again). I wouldn't mind a small cameo or a different role, but otherwise if he's dead, keep him dead. If he's alive, all the fangirls rejoice. But I want him to at least feel like he's doing something, in CiT he did nothing but being there for gags.
EDIT: And yes, that cape is smexy *shot*
Ratchet and Clank: Lost in Reality, a Ratchet and Clank fanfiction by Jessica M.