Sujet : New Style - Thoughts?

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yeah I noticed it's mostly Ratchet who is getting criticized the most. But some are disapointed that Qwarks buttchin is gone now, even I kinda am but oh well… XD it's not the end of the world, lol.

And I'm sure it won't turn into a 'Nuts and Bolts' of the R&C fandom, since I have that much faith in Insomniac emoji But I know it'll definitely be different, and I think this is a refreshing change for the franchise. I wouldn't want to see the R&C formula get too stale now =O (which is hasn't, but some do think it is)

I think the new designs are pretty neat. Yeah, they lost some of their realism but they gained some 'cuteness', which I guess can be called an equal exchange. Well, okay. Maybe not equal but not a degradation for sure.

And the good thing is that they've adapted the size of the characters for the multiplayer. If you've played ToD or ACiT then you must remember how the point of view changed to match Ratchet's or Clank's gameplay. With those changes they'll just avoid those problems and it'll be just great)

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yeah, just imagine trying to play as Clank in the NORMAL style. You'd be completely lost unless you have a huge Plasma or LCD TV emoji

So yeah, I still think it's been a nice change for this style of game. But of course, people will still complain and act as if it's the end of the series and that it's a permanent change… it obviously isn't permanent, because in a normal R&C title, Clank wouldn't even fit on Ratchet's back XD

yeah, just imagine trying to play as Clank in the NORMAL style. You'd be completely lost unless you have a huge Plasma or LCD TV

I think that wouldn't help, considering that the camera angle would base on Quark's size and in his original design he's actually huge compared to Clank X)

people will still complain and act as if it's the end of the series

I only hope that Insomniac won't be too overwhelmed by this innovative game and the spin-off (the crossover one) to actually wander somewhere where we don't want them… But let's not think 'bout this X)

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Somehow; I dont think they'd completely drift away from the original R&C formula, they seem to know what they're doing with this franchise emoji which is why I have quite a lot of faith in them, heh.

It's probably just a 'break' from the 'normal' R&C games for now, a bit like Deadlocked I suppose… after the first 3 games. And they just finished their future trilogy emoji I'm glad they're bringing something fresh into the R&C series. Especially with a unique Co-op mode!

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I don't mind the changes really, there's nothing really bad about them, and i know insomniac are not going to ruin the series because i have had some experience with a series downfall (cough) Crash Bandicoot (chough), and that was because the new developers of that series didn't know a thing what they were doing, insomniac know what they are doing and i am sure it's going to be good.

at first i hated the art style but now i think its ok the story should be they go into an alternative universe or something. i just hope the next game looks like the past games.

I think that this style is ok. The only problem i might have, is that im not really used to the co-op cam they have.

as to the IGF ppl, every one is entitled to their opinion. However most of it is just a first reaction to the new game (i actually felt this way when i first read it)

A second look shows this is the way 2 go. This series needed a renovation 2 keep it on its tracks.

Qwark reminds me of a Gorilla…

at first i hated the art style but now i think its ok the story should be they go into an alternative universe or something. i just hope the next game looks like the past games.

i think (i dunno for sure but i'm pretty sure i heard) that some IG guy said that they would go back to normal after, they just wanted a good change. And theys always wanted to make a coop game. So if it is something they always wanted to do… I'm sure it will be a really good game! And the art style was changed for the reason that you could identify your characters better, or something to do with it being based off the comic's style. But it will not continue this way, the next game will have a different art style. The old ways i'd guess?

People at the IG forums are just afraid of alittle change, that's all. It's acually natural for people to fear or dislike change (I know I usally hate it) but when it's a small visual change, in a GAME… Then well I have nothing to say to that… I acually like the new style (they look cute) but what's up with them only hating Ratchet's new style? He looks adorable to me. Younger looking but still adorable.

People at the IG forums are just afraid of alittle change, that's all. It's acually natural for people to fear or dislike change (I know I usally hate it) but when it's a small visual change, in a GAME… Then well I have nothing to say to that… I acually like the new style (they look cute) but what's up with them only hating Ratchet's new style? He looks adorable to me. Younger looking but still adorable.

I like the new style too, though i do not like Qwark's chin being round, and i miss the butt chin emoji Nefarious being purple… That's his life long dream! No JK! He is a bit short. But that is fine, he just got redesghned (in size). But really what is wrong with Ratchet? I have yet to hear any reasons?
IG Forums are focused on Resistance 3 too much… Never much bout R&C?

IG Forums are focused on Resistance 3 too much… Never much bout R&C?

That's because many people nowadays are obsessed with first-person shooters.

I don't mind the new style… just as long as it's only for this game. I liked the style in ACiT the best.

IG Forums are focused on Resistance 3 too much… Never much bout R&C?

That's because many people nowadays are obsessed with first-person shooters.

I don't mind the new style… just as long as it's only for this game. I liked the style in ACiT the best.

i can nearly garantee it!