Sujet : New Style - Thoughts?

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I decided to make a topic for this separately, since well… people are discussing it quite a lot that it can be in it's own topic emoji

So what do you think? I think it works very well for this new game to be honest. And it looks quite charming, and reminds me of the Creaturebox concept art they have done for the games previously. The style especially reminds me of these vinyls (Creaturebox also did the design for these)…. and notice how Qwark's eyes are blue in the trailer? Well the Vinyl Qwark has blue eyes too XD

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And here's a quote from the Insomniac forums to give more reason to this change…

Quote from: CalvyCal on Today at 01:11 PM
Hey guys…to answer your question about the different style…

With the addition of everyone playing on one screen…some characters were a little harder to distinguish than others, for example, Clank was too tiny on the screen, Nefarious too thin. Our character artist over in NC spent a considerable amount of time tweaking each character to look different while still keeping the group look harmonious.

So there you go. I actually do prefer the Crack in Time style of course, but seriously. I don't think this new style is so bad… as long as it's just for this game, then I don't think it's such a big issue :p I think I find it easy to tolerate it because I used to be part of the Crash Bandicoot fandom, and characters from that franchise had TONS of redesigns, many of which were god awful.

That's my thoughts anyhow. What's yours?

i agree with you. I like this style of artwork, especially Clank since it makes he so gosh darn adorable, emoji but I like the ACIT one a bit better.

FWI, Quark looks like a gorilla in that pic.

Ya, the style isn't bad, no way! Ok, so I think they made Ratchet look alot younger again, but the new style is great emoji

Hey, that new style really is a lot like the Concept art and those statues! So strange but funny, Qwark looks weird though…. and its weird they changed his eye colour to blue now too!

But I actually dont dislike the new style, unlike those whiny fanboys at the Insomniac Forums! They should get over it, seriously emoji it goes well with this game!


Qwark's chin looks so daft in those figures emoji

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Lol wow! Clank really is almost as big as Ratchet XD (now that I see that screenshot)

But It does seem necessary for this game though and it works. And now I'm REALLY sure the style change is just for this game, cause there is no way a normal single player Ratchet game can work with that style, especially if Clank is that big emoji

for some reason that everytime I see qwark in that style in that picture he reminds me of a hairless gorilla emoji

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Well he is like a gorilla, and he was raised by monkey's XD but yeah, his chin is very weird in that vinyl, it's a square! emoji

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I think if you guys are familiar with Creature Box's style would definitely appreciate this game quite a lot, especially those who are fans of the Ratchet and Clank games. I think those who aren't familiar with the style, would not be too happy about it. People would have to get used to the style just like in the upcoming comic books.

My thoughts about the style in All 4 One isn't in a mad outraged mode like some of the rapid fanboys/fangirls on the IG forums. In results, I accept the CB (Creature Box) style that is shown in All 4 One, but only for this game. And besides, the style change looks charmingly good unlike some other platforming franchise games such as the later Crash games or Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts.

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yeah, each time I lurk around the IG forums, I always see some people whining about it and saying how ugly Ratchet looks >.> sigh… (and strangely enough, most are newbies who only just joined lol) thank goodness we don't have much problem with it here.

But I'm still finding the style easy to tolerate emoji even my little brother doesn't mind it, but he is a bit shocked with how large Clank is emoji

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yeah, each time I lurk around the IG forums, I always see some people whining about it and saying how ugly Ratchet looks >.> sigh… (and strangely enough, most are newbies who only just joined lol) thank goodness we don't have much problem with it here.

But I'm still finding the style easy to tolerate emoji even my little brother doesn't mind it, but he is a bit shocked with how large Clank is emoji

But of course, Clank's appearance looks big for a reason. If he looked shorter like in the previous Ratchet games, he wouldn't visually stand out well, which would make players feel lost in gameplay if Clank wasn't big.

I think the IG forums are pretty much out of control when it comes to something little like this. Ratchet looks cute in the All 4 One game, but just in a blockage cartoon approach. Why do the rapid Ratchet fan boys/fan girls have to ruin all the fun when R&C goes to a different direction? emoji

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yeah, the whole style change has a purpose but a lot of noobs just don't get it and will just whine and whine about it anyway…. >_>

But yeah, I have to say this game has caused the most fuss in years, probably since Deadlocked emoji wasn't really part of the fandom back then though. But I'm sure once the game comes close to release, people will be a bit more used to the changes.

I have to admit that I'm not very keen on the new style but I'll get used to it (I already got used to clank's new style) like my sis she didn't like the furture series style of R&C but like the PS2 version of ratchet but she got used to it in the end.

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yeah, the whole style change has a purpose but a lot of noobs just don't get it and will just whine and whine about it anyway…. >_>

But yeah, I have to say this game has caused the most fuss in years, probably since Deadlocked emoji wasn't really part of the fandom back then though. But I'm sure once the game comes close to release, people will be a bit more used to the changes.

It's even more surprising that most of the members on the IG forums are harshly criticizing on Ratchet's appearance only. There's no bad talk about Nefarious, or even Captain Qwark over there (I assume it's because they don't give a hoot about those characters unless if there are fans of those two).

Sure I'm fine with people having an different opinion, but if it's full on bashing by 'judging a book by it's cover' right away is where I get a little annoyed. If the game was released and people checked the game out at least, I would not mind that at all.

The only thing I am afraid about the visuals in All 4 One that the overall product might slightly turn out like Banjo-Kazooie Nuts and Bolts. Even the character designs in All 4 One kind of reminds me of that game right away, but at least the game play will have some platforming fun and good old Ratchet and Clank gameplay elements. So thank goodness All 4 One will not be a game that's all about customization. emoji