I couldn't find a thread like this on this forum, so here we go.
It's a game thread, like "Character versus" "Weapon versus" "planet versus" "name as many things" etc.
In this thread, one person will give a quote from an R&C game, then the next person must answer with the name of the character that said the quote and what game they said it in.
I could say "Look, plumber's crack"
and the next person would say:
"Ratchet - Ratchet and Clank 1"
and then give another quotation for the person after that to solve.
Be creative, try to think of things that are tricky to work out who said them or in which game.
You are NOT allowed to use the quote "LAWREENCE"as it is too obvious.
I'll start with something fairly easy to get us started.
who said:
"How can you use the planet's defence system to play a vid-comic??"
and which game did they say it in?
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