Infos générales
Langue : Anglais
Date de naissance : 15/02/1993
Inscription : 24/11/2010
Dernière activité : 30 sept. 2012
Messages : 309
Citation : so much for clean underwear!
Email : dragonscribe15@yahoo.co.nz
Aucun fan-art publié
3 fictions publiées
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Derniers messages
Always remember you're unique - just like everyone else.
Um OK well, (I kinda suck at these)
My name is Christine Dell. Those that don't know me think I'm quiet. Those who do know me wish i was
I enjoy Ratchet and Clank (Duh!), Mythbusters, Stephen King and the Nostalgia Critic (ROFLOL!)
I am Aspergers, a kind of autism characterized by awkward social skills, inability to make eye contact and (in my case) poor hand eye co-ordination (Note to self, never work in a china store!). However, with any luck you won't be able to tell as I'm pretty good at faking normality (Kinda)
I'm an atheist as well. Don't like it? Kiss my rump ("Just for a minute lets all do the bump!" lol. Random family guy moment!)
Um… that's it really.
Oh, nearly forgot! I enjoy writing R&C fan fiction!
See ya!