Sujet : R&C quote game

angela cross from going commando

Who said..
"What did coco ever do to you?!" or something similar

Big Al to Ratchet from Ratchet Deadlocked.

Who said: "It was mating season, how could I have known she was your sister!?", and in what game?

Qwark - R&C 3

Who said "Use wrench to break glass, to free rock to break glass, to free wrench" and what game?

Clank from ratchet and clank 2 going commando.Who said "at least we know what he went with"?

Ratchet in A Crack in Time. Who said "With a kind of a, sort of a butt shape…" and what game was it said in?

Ratchet in up your arsenal.
who said
"Lies! squishy lies!"

Dr. Nefarious in UYA

Who said: "Aw man, it's busted! Oh wait… never mind."

Skidd McMarks in UYA.

who said:
"well, if it aint' two of my best customers…"
and when was it said?

Ratchet in UYA

Who said "Woah. Dude. Its just a hat…" and what game was it said in?

Copernicus Qwark (or should I say, nurse Sharon emoji ) in crack and time.

Who said:
"See the crown? See the sceptre?"

Cragmite Tools of Destruction (I may be wrong I havn't really finninshed the game)

Who Said "Are We Still On? Wel;l Turn It off You Idiot!"

Drek in R&C 1.

"Destroy them. Eradicate them. ANNIHILATE THEM ALL!"