Sujet : The Rayman Thread

Geinea Lombax: Hey guys I'm back. (the laptop died again>emoji ) Whatever. Ah Rayman! How much I love that little freak and his games! He was one of my first childhood heros, Link from Zelda being the first. I was playing the demo the other day and was fun! Me & my sister love it! 100 times better than those crappy rabbids games! I hate those rabbids with all my heart! LOL.

how much does rayman 1 cost on psn

The Australian price is $8.45, which is about the same in US dollars. If it doesn't cost that, it'll probably be whatever the standard US price for PSN PS1 games is.

Actually, I think it's $5.99 USD. I just checked it out on PSN the other night out of boredom and I believe that was its listed price. I could be remembering wrong, though. emoji

On a side note, I'm probably not going to get Origins. Despite the good graphics, I don't like the character design. emoji

Why? It's the same as usual, only in 2D.

The only Rayman game I have played is Rayman 3 (PS2). I really want to try the previous 2 and origins.

On a side note, I'm probably not going to get Origins. Despite the good graphics, I don't like the character design. emoji

Why? It's the same as usual, only in 2D.

It's hard to explain succinctly, but it pretty much comes down to me being a nitpicky Rayman fan. I find just the overall feeling of the game (the slapping, Rayman acting crazy, etc.) kind of…jarring? I dunno. emoji

I'm going to at least give it a try at my local game store so I just don't completely dismiss it. emoji

The only Rayman game I have played is Rayman 3 (PS2). I really want to try the previous 2 and origins.

If you can find it, I highly recommend playing the Rayman 2 version for the PS2. That version gives you more exploration with the world, whereas some of the other versions of the game keep you going on one track and leave you to only explore the level. emoji

Rayman, the first PlayStation game I ever played, I am playing again! I have gotten some Rayman pack out from the video store, it includes: Rayman 2: Revolution, Rayman M, and Rayman 3: Hodlum Havoc.

Finished Rayman 2 in one day, and the memories came pouring back! I remember most of it, but I also remember I ran into a glitch that made the Mine Cart not appear in the Pirate Mine, so I never got past there. But now I have finished the game I am pretty happy, though because of the minigame where you tap cross and circle violently to make the baby Globox ran (the second one to be persise) I have a blister on my thumb! It got very VERY hot from the intense sliding from one button to the next and back. Besides that, it was a great game.

I am going through Rayman 3 now, sucks I lost all my data from my memory card, (many years a go I got as far as the final boss fight, but failed misurably) but that just means a fresh start. I am enjoying this game, hard to get use to the controls after Rayman 2 though. And unfortunately my save got wasted or something, and it wont load, so I am starting again right… *starts new game* now! Kinda sucks I gotta start a new one, but I got off to a bad start anyway (though I am not very happy at the fact I actually made it halfway…emoji

EDIT: It happened again while loading the level just after the cinematic where you see that giant pump thing in that Hoodlum place (some factory in some snowy area). And before I didnt actually make it halfway, I only got to that boss fight against that sniper guy, Raslof or something?

I'm hiring it at least, Rayman in my books is in the same position as Jak. I want to own them (or at least play all of the good ones, with the exception or Rabbits and Daxter)

So I will be playing Origins, and probably buying it, as Rayman has more history than any other game for me: First game to get hocked on, first full-length PC game to play (Rayman 2), first PlayStation game to play (Rayman 3), and first game I ever got stuck on, and threw it behind me (I am ashamed of that one)

And I found my dusty old memory card from years ago, still where I was up to in all those games, including the boss against Reflux, so I loaded it, and killed that guy! (first try) turns out my skills have improved over the years emoji

I saw what I was doing wrong, I didnt know for the Heli-Copter part, if you tochdown on the ground again, the floating rocks all came back!? A grand finale, and a good ending to a good game emoji (except for the part where my PS2 was freezing my saves)

Membre supprimé

I just beaten Rayman Origins (though I haven't completed the game 100%) and I got to say I was extremely impressed on how creative and beautiful this game looks and sounds. Not to mention that it provides some fun and hard challenges along the way too. Playing Rayman Origins further made me realize that this game should have been my game of 2011 than Zelda: Skyward Sword. emoji

Recent 2D side scrolling platforms are a hit and miss when it comes to being completely charming and memorable, but I think Ubisoft pulled off really well with this game, including bringing their iconic mascot back to its recognizable roots with a fresh new outcome.